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给我一个吻。Give me a smooch.

想要偷吻你就得大胆点。He planted a big smooch on her.

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得体示爱在大庭广众之下,别搂抱亲吻个不停。Good Loving Do not smooch in the company of others.

一个年轻人在汽车里搂着一个姑娘亲嘴。Smooch A young man smooches with a girl in the car.

只短暂的一个亲吻就可能把病毒传染给你的伴侣,甚至是你的孩子。Just a quick smooch can give this to your partner or even your children.

但即便如此,也不要急于不屑今天这一年一度的被玫瑰花所包围的爱意浓浓。Even so, don't be too quick to denigrate today's annual rose-tinted smooch.

单纯的吻没有什么好想象的就是吻嘴,脸颊,任何地方。The simple kiss is nothing fancy, just a quick smooch on the lips, the cheek, anywhere.

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但由于他们从不亲吻,有的粉丝开始抗议,因此在第二季播出的时候,我们终于看到了他们无伤大雅的接吻。But they never kissed, and a fan-generated backlash erupted, then died down last fall after an innocuous smooch.

尽管如此,电影制作者更倾向于希望中的一个拥抱,或是美丽的幌子,它们意味着更多。Nonetheless, filmmakers cling to the smooch in the hope, or the fond pretense, that it might mean something more.

如果你主动地把垃圾倒掉,当你回来的时候你极可能会得到激情一吻。If you take the garbage out without being asked, chances are you'll be getting a big ole smooch when you come back.

一项新调查显示,杰克和罗丝在泰坦尼克号船头甲板上接吻的镜头是史上最棒的银幕之吻。Jack and Rose's smooch on the front deck of the Titanic is the best movie kiss of all-time, according to new research.

或许少年时没有太多拥吻的机会,现在的你宁愿睡觉也不愿意接吻了。Maybe you haven't spent significant amounts of time kissing since you were a teenager, and these days you'd rather sleep than smooch.

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的人认为,约会中观看一部有一两个接吻镜头的电影会增加约会结束时接吻的可能性。A fifth of people reckon watching a film with a date which features a smooch or two, improves their chances of sharing a kiss at the end of the night.

高斯林往台上走的时候,完全不知道自己身后正发生着什么,而雷诺兹和加菲尔德则全身心投入到激吻之中。Gosling was completely unaware of what was going on behind him as he made his way up the steps, while Reynolds and Garfield enjoyed the passionate smooch.

这对儿周五晚上一起回到米兰达公寓时,奥兰多还以在米兰达脸颊上的一吻作为今天外出活动的结束。Orlando even capped off the outing by giving Miranda a smooch on the cheek, just hours after the pair were seen arriving at her apartment together late on Friday evening.