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这是国内新闻。This is domestic news.

国内和国际上的。domestic and international ones.

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管家大爷笑眯眯的说。The domestic big Ye smilingly says.

国内班机都禁止吸烟。All domestic flights are nonsmoking.

不过,中航商用飞机有限公司在中国国内有着旺盛的需求。But ACAC has strong domestic demand.

国内形势确实是好的。The domestic situation is very good.

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小天鹅和金松是国产的。Little Swan and Jinsong are domestic.

国内形势更糟糕。The domestic situation is even worse.

你是要国产的还是进口的芠?。Do you want domestic or imported beer?

请问我要往哪边去国内航线?。Where should I go to domestic airline?

这部影片主要讲述一个家庭悲剧。The film turns about a domestic tragedy.

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是的,“家庭主父”们面临着许多挑战。Yes, domestic dads face many challenges.

美国国内龙猫可以作为宠物饲养。Domestic chinchillas can be kept as pets.

当时中国的国内旅游仍处在襁褓之中。Domestic tourism was also in its infancy.

不要在家常琐事上浪费时间。Don't waste time on domestic trivialities.

如果你不同时经营国内贸易。If you do not also operate domestic trade.

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他们只希望解决海内的问题。They only want to solve domestic problems.

在家畜中控制尼帕病毒Controlling Nipah virus in domestic animals

我一定是得了寻物眼盲症。I must've had a case of domestic blindness!