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他性情急躁。He is ardent in temper.

他是个热忱的爱国志士。He is an ardent patriot.

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她是热忱的爱国志士。She is an ardent patriot.

他以炽烈的焦急心情倾耳细听。He listened with ardent anxiety.

我再也不能忍誊如此热的天气了。I again can not endure so ardent weather.

他的无畏为他赢得了众多热忱的信徒。His audaciousness has won him many ardent disciples.

她的爱慕者少一些,胖一些,感情不那么热烈。Her admirers were fewer, and fatter, and less ardent.

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党和人民对你们寄托着殷切的期望。The Party and people have ardent expectations of you.

悠悠少女心,殷殷慈悲意。A maiden's carefree heart cherishes ardent benevolence.

我得知有壆问而认真的人靠壆问挣很多钱。I learn that capable ardent men earn many by knowledge.

冰岛和丹麦是最热心的达尔文拥护者。Iceland and Denmark are Darwin's most ardent adherents.

在反堕胎人士来看,现在的法律在道德上太宽松了。To ardent pro- lifers , the law today is immorally lax.

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我相信今年的奥运会一定会开的红红火火!I believe the Olympic Games must be ardent in this year.

感谢杜比先生热情洋溢的致辞。Thank you Mr. Dolby for giving us such an ardent speech.

客家人火炽的热情感染了每一位游客。Hakka people's ardent enthusiasm influenced every visitor.

这时,除了最死硬的顽固分子以外,所有人的情绪都变了。This changed the temper of all but the most ardent die- bards.

盼团圆,是海峡两岸骨肉兄弟的殷切祈盼。And reunion is the ardent wish of Cross-Straits blood brothers.

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毫无疑问,她是一个在获得C成绩的学生中的热心的冠军。And -- no surprise -- she is an ardent champion of the C student.

他既是作家,又是疯狂的芭蕾舞迷。He lived in the company of writers and was an ardent balletomane.

他父母对他的大学学习抱着殷切的期望。Ardent expectations were held by his parents for his college career.