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不要去谈那反复无常。Then talk not of inconstancy.

这就是无常与苦。This is inconstancy and stress.

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从另一方面说,无恒就往往会造成失败。On the other hand, inconstancy often results in failure.

不变只是愿望,变化才是永恒。There is nothing in this world constant but inconstancy.

世界上除了多变以外,没有一成不变的东西。There is nothing in this world constant, but inconstancy.

赫米亚望着他,对他莫名其妙的反复无常感到很惊奇。Hermia was looking at him and wondering at his strange inconstancy.

除无常外,世间无恒久之事。――乔纳森·斯威夫特。There is nothing in this world constant, but inconstancy. —Jonathan Swift.

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就是将易变控制与局限在同一个对象上。Constancy is therefore inconstancy held in check and confined to the same object.

以你们的失败来判定你们,就像责备季节气候无常变化是一样的。To judge you by your failures is to cast blame upon the seasons for their inconstancy.

而和平将使他保住其既得的东西,稳定住命运中的变化。Peace, then, would secure to him what he has achieved, and fix the inconstancy of fortune.

本文从音乐审美功能角度论述音乐的历史延续性和易变性。The article discuss the historic continuity and inconstancy of music from esthetic viewpoint.

由于流星余迹通信链路的随机性、复杂性和多变性,不能准确地对其进行定量分析。Meteoric trail communication link cant be analyzed accurately because of its randomicity, complexity and inconstancy.

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你怎麽能相信佛陀的无常教导,除非你已经在自己的觉知中找到了某种恒常?。How are you going to believe the Buddha's teachings on inconstancy until you've found some constancy in your awareness?

充满激情的忍冬所散发的香气令少女却步回首,因此野生忍冬象征着爱情的反复无常。The perfume of this passionate plant may turn a maiden's head, hence wild honeysuckle is a symbol of inconstancy in love.

不谙世事却又菱角分明,清涩懵懂却又能看透世态炎凉。Caltrop unfamiliar things but distinct, clear astringent ignorant but can be seen through inconstancy of human relationships.

中日两国古典文学对于“灾难”的起因和“生死”的看法有着明显的不同。As to the origin of inconstancy and attitudes towards it, there are different ideas in Chinese and Japanese literary classics.

“世态炎凉、人情浇薄”这一传统主题在以上两篇小说中得到了较为充分的体现。"Inconstancy of human relationships, and human pouring thin" in the traditional themes in these two novels have been more fully reflected.

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当你经历了世事沧桑,人情冷暖,世态炎凉,洞悉了世间的一切。When you have experienced things vicissitudes of life and human well-being, inconstancy of human relationships, insight into all the earth.

不了解学生的好恶,更不去注意学生易变、躁动、较为稚弱的心灵。Part of the Chinese teachers don't understand high school student's likes and dislikes, even don't notice the inconstancy of the rash childish weak mind of the students.

也就是说表达艺术家自己眼中的世界,自己独特的审美情趣,以及他所关注的世态炎凉等。That is, artists always want to show the expression of vision of world, their unique aesthetic taste, and attention concerning inconstancy of human relationships, and so on.