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多碎石的声音。A gravelly voice.

声音沙哑刺耳。Her voice was gravelly.

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他用沙哑的声音唱歌。He sings in a gravelly voice.

铁铲切进了砾石累累的土地When the spade sinks into gravelly ground

在天池岸边,有一块不大的砾石滩。At the lake shore, there was a small gravelly beach.

清楚了吗?队长用沙哑的声音要求道。Is that clear? the captain asked in a gravelly voice.

砾质或砂质土壤种植葡萄太棒了。Gravelly or sandy soils are fantastic for grape growing.

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“向后地欢迎,乔”,他在他的粗糙,多碎石的声音中说。Welcome back, Joe, " he said in his harsh, gravelly voice."

“这些东西原本都是违法的,”他严肃地说。"This stuff used to be illegal, " he says in a gravelly voice.

碎石土广泛存在于三峡库区。There re lots of gravelly soils in the Three-Gorges Zone, China.

这沙土地利于排水,适于种植块根作物。This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.

其中辫状河可划分为砾质辫状河和砂质辫状河。The latter is further sub-divided into gravelly and sandy braided fluvial facies.

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我们在一个砾质辫状河地区发现了一个独立的规模庞大的古老的蓄水层。We found a very large ancient aquifer in a gravelly area not related to anything else.

这款红酒的葡萄产自碎石山坡上,酒颜色深沉,呈宝石红色。This wine, coming from the gravelly slopes, enjoys a deep ink colour with garnet red reflections.

在走过一段崎岖蜿蜒的小路之后,最后我们决定返回公路上去。On a long gravelly road we finally decided to turn around and go the long way back to the highway.

所用葡萄只产自由砾质土壤的泰拉洛克葡萄园。The grapes have been sourced entirely from Tallarook vineyard blocks consisting of gravelly clays.

在安铎之役当中,这群声音沙哑又生性严肃的战术家们带领著舰队迎击帝国军队。The stern gravelly -voiced tacticians led the fleet as it engaged the Empire at the critical Battle of Endor.

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利用载荷试验研究了CFG桩桩顶的中粗砂、砾砂、碎石褥垫层的桩上应力比。The stress ratio of CFG pile and soil which cushion used medium-coarse sand gravelly sand or cobbles has been studied.

他大约60来岁,又瘦又矮,脸上布满皱纹,声音深沉、沙哑,寡言少语,但要说起话来就会引起别人的注意。He was about sixty years old, short and thin, with a craggy face and a deep, gravelly voice he used sparingly but to great effect.

本文结合湖南隆回渗滤取水工程,采用调查、试验、分析、研究等方法,对滤层淤塞的影响因素、反冲洗改善天然滤层渗透性的试验进行研究。In this paper, the effect of water scouring to the filter about clay and gravelly soil is analyzed by using the crack scour tests.