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一个杀人案仅仅有个人保证书……Personal recognizance for a homicide case.

在交了保证金后被释放。Blagojevich is freed on his own recognizance.

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他自己付了1,000英镑保证金后获保释。He is granted bail on his own recognizance of&1, 000.

他不承认克里姆林宫所掌控着的电视媒体下的俄罗斯。He didn't recognizance Russia that Kremlin-controlled television showed.

确定能实施这一行为的保证金。Recognizance A sum of money pledged to assure the performance of such an act.

一申办继承登记,经申请之继承人检附切结书者。The heir submits a recognizance upon the application for registration of inheritance.

在那之后,美国的飞机就只在中国和俄罗斯附近的国际领空里飞行。After that, U. S recognizance planes flew in international space near China and Russia.

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琼斯由于自己的悔悟被释放,并且要求在1月11日回到法庭接受审判。Jones was released on her own's recordmencesown recognizance , and was ordered to return to court Januray January 11 for sentencing.

店员通常会呆在法庭上看著法官审判,并看著小偷缴交罚金而当庭释放。The employee would sit in court and watch while the judge usually just fined and released the shoplifter on his or her own recognizance.

难道法官认为我的当事人支付她自己的保证金都不能得到释放是因为该项指控的严重性和公众不安情绪的危险性吗?Did the judge feel it impossible to release my client on her own recognizance because of the gravity of the charges and the risk of public agitation?

取保候审作为一种非羁押性的强制措施,在保证司法机关有效地行使司法权力,保障刑事诉讼的顺利进行方面发挥着重要作用。In this paper, the problem of the system in legislating and justice is analyzed and a few of suggestions on how to undertake recognizance upon bail system are perfected.

在中国,未成年人适用取保候审问题在立法和司法实践上皆存在不足,而对该问题的研究也一直处于被漠视甚至遗忘的角落。In China, the research has been ignored on the system of juvenile undertaking recognizance upon bail, which still has many faults from law exhibition to judicial practice.

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法庭文件显示,布希在今年6月的传讯之后交出护照,在保证于指定日期出席庭审之后获得释放。Court documents show that after Ms. Bush's June arraignment, which she attended by telephone from Hawaii, she relinquished her passport and was freed on her own recognizance.

采矿保证金是采矿权人所缴纳的合理开采利用矿产资源以及对矿山地质环境进行恢复治理的保证资金和备用资金。The mining recognizance is guaranty or standby fund paid by prospectors to reasonably exploit and use mineral resources as well as restore and harness the geological environment of a mine.