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又有一次,他差一点被一条黄貂鱼刺伤。And once he was nearly stung by a stingray.

小心那些黄貂鱼和带刺的海胆!Watch out for the stingray and prickly sea urchins!

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不管是金属、木质还是塑料,都一样。Metal, wood or plastic, the Stingray will cut through them all.

可以由人安置“黄貂鱼”来对付爆炸装置,当然,也可以由机器人来做。A human can place the Stingray against an IED, but so can robots.

它的作用类似一个陆地上的快速黄貂鱼,可以是非常致命的。A faster variant of the stingray on land, Tesla IFVs can be deadly.

这尾幼鲨出生不久便被放养在同一水箱内的黄貂鱼“扼杀”了。The baby was killed soon after birth by a stingray kept in the same tank.

您可以检查魟加强与内置LCD条形图显示。You can check Stingray operation with the built-in LCD bar graph display.

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三角形加上“长尾巴”,看上去非常像黄貂鱼。With its triangular shape and long 'tail', it really does look like a stingray.

如果你踩在刺鳐的身上或刺扎你腿,后果都会不堪设想的。If you step on a stingray and get the spine inside your leg , it hurts very badly.

一条短尾魟鱼在拱门和洞穴之间遨游。A short-tailed stingray rides the currents through arches and caverns at Poor Knights.

另外这条巨型黄貂鱼可能将被确认为“巨鱼项目”的重量级冠军。And it may confirm the giant stingray as the heavyweight champ of the Megafishes Project.

Bertakis被尖物刺中,是因为一条海鳐鱼跳进他的船内,并直接袭击他的胸部。Bertakis was impaled when a stingray jumped into his boat and hit him directly in the chest.

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就在昨天,他被黄貂鱼的尾椎刺穿了胸口不幸的离开了我们。Unfortunately, his chest was pierced by the tail of stingray and he passed away yesterday. It is.

澳大利亚著名的自然主义者史蒂夫·欧文日前不幸去世,他是被一条刺鳐刺穿胸部而意外身亡的。The renowned Australian naturalist Steve Irwin has died after being struck in the chest by a stingray barb.

在开曼群岛上一个叫做“魔鬼鱼城”的景点,研究人员标记了那里的黄貂鱼,用以监视它们的动作和行为。Researchers tagged stingrays in Stingray City in the Cayman Islands to monitor their movements and behavior.

本周第一个关于帝国的战术指导着眼于抗击令人惧怕的黄貂鱼快攻序列。The very first tip of the week for the Empire will focus on countering the " dreaded " all- in Stingray build.

佛罗里达州一名老汉现生命垂危,此前一条黄貂鱼跳上他的小船,刺伤了他的胸部。An elderly forida man is in critical condition after a stingray jumped onto his boat and stung him in the chest.

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六月廿四日周三于纽西兰的奥克兰,就在圣赫利尔海滩的海面上,一只被虎鲸猎捕的魟鱼从水里跃出,可见到鳍刺下的鱼鳍。A stingray leaps out of the water as it is hunted by a killer whale, whose fin can be seen below the ray, just off St.

前几年,在大西洋威卡礁,有一条75磅重的魟鱼越到船上,意外地致使一个妇女死亡。A few years ago, a 75-pound stingray leapt out of the Atlantic Ocean at Vaca Key and slammed into a woman, killing her in the process.

渔夫和科学家们本周宣称,他们捕捉并释放了一条可能是世界上最大的淡水黄貂鱼。Fishers and scientists announced this week the catch, and release, of what is likely the world's largest known freshwater giant stingray.