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我可以要张餐巾纸吗?May I have a paper napkin ?

从餐巾纸中获得帮助。Get help from a paper napkin.

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莉兹,打开你的餐巾。Liz unfold your table napkin.

她说,“把那张餐巾纸递给我。She said, “Hand me that napkin.

你怎么处理你的餐巾?What do you do with your napkin?

然后把工具放在干净的餐巾上。And put the tools on a clean napkin.

然后他把餐巾摔到盘子里。Then throws his napkin on his plate.

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他用餐巾轻轻擦了一下这块斑迹。He flicked at the spot with a napkin.

我拿起一块纸巾在嘴唇上蘸了两下。I dabbed my lips with a paper napkin.

我用纸巾擦了擦汗。I dried my sweat with a paper napkin.

浸泡在鲜血中的绢帕上作为图案矗立的地方。A pattern on a napkin dipped in blood.

他用餐巾拭了拭嘴唇。He dabbed at his lips with the napkin.

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可以在一张餐巾纸上设计一间狗舍。You can design a dog house on a napkin.

没人愿意看到你那带了污迹的餐巾。No one wants to see your stained napkin.

你听说这种卫生棉吗?Have you ever heard this sanitary napkin?

我没有马上拾起那张餐巾纸。I didn’t pick up the napkin straight away.

迈克尔迅速用餐巾将其揩干。Michael mopped up quickly with his napkin.

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这是他的电话,"他在一张餐巾纸上写下了号码。"He scribbled on a napkin. "This is his number.

我又喝了一口酒,把餐巾纸翻过来看。I took another drink and turned over the napkin.

她开始狂怒地用纸巾擦。She began furiously dabbing at it with a napkin.