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最后的宗教节日在耶稣升天节达到高潮。The final fiesta climaxed on Ascension Day.

虽然它是橘色的,我们还是称之为Fiesta红。Even though it's orange, we still call it Fiesta red.

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这是个10英寸的盘子,被称作Fiesta红This is a ten-inch plate, and this is called "Fiesta red."

贾里马蒂·拉特瓦拉将驾驶第二辆福特厂队的嘉年华赛车。Jari-Matti Latvala will pilot the second factory Ford Fiesta RS WRC.

第十四届菲律宾国际热气球嘉年华上的雀巢咖啡杯造型热气球。Cool balloon form 14th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.

西班牙的圣·费尔明奔牛节吸引了形形色色寻求惊险刺激的人们。Spain's San Fermin bull-running fiesta attracts all manner of thrill-seekers.

7月7日,狂欢者在潘普洛纳城圣佛明节中庆祝游行。Revelers celebrate in a procession at the San Fermin fiesta in Pamplona on July 7.

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村子里传播着一种特殊的数数歌,是祭典的构成局部。The village is disseminating a special kind of count song, is the composition of local fiesta.

同时,奥巴马一家还是意大利嘉年华餐厅的薄皮馅饼的忠实顾客,这家店位于海德公园。The Obamas are loyal, as well, to the thin-crusted pies at Italian Fiesta Pizzeria in Hyde Park.

假日里,游客们可以沿著热闹的大街一直走下去,尽情享受那种欢乐气氛。The visitor can walk along these bustling streets during the fiesta and just soak up the atmosphere.

今年春季末,福特公司将从3300个申请者中选出100名Fiesta活动的代理商。Ford will weed through the 3, 300 applications to find the 100 Fiesta Movement agents by late spring.

琳琅满目的海军牌各系列咖啡及红茶产品整齐排列在展销摊格中,让顾客任意选购。Various types and choices of our products were on display during the Fiesta for customers' selections.

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迷你腊肠狗杂交看到穿着与2009年6月13日,日在东京的狗嘉年华的帽子。Miniature dachshund crossbreed dogs are seen dressed up with hats at a dog fiesta in Tokyo June 13 2009.

牌坊与广场相连,坊前平台为祖庙大型祭典之祭坛。The torii is connected with the square and the platform in front of it is an altar for large scale fiesta.

2009年与传奇人物贺拉斯弗拉录制了他的第二张唱片“布宜诺斯艾利斯的圣日”。In 2009 recorded his second album with the legendary Horacio Ferrer and Raul Garello, "Bs As es tu fiesta".

福特嘉年华和现代伊兰特均在列。Cars including Ford Motor Co.’s Fiesta and Hyundai Motor Co.’s Elantra are among those eligible for the subsidy.

而且,最重要的是,在嘉年华提供一流的驾驶经验,使福特非常全面封装。And, best of all, the Fiesta delivers a first-class driving experience, making the Ford a great all-round package.

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第一个例子,福特嘉年华掀背今天抵达美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市海港和奥克斯纳德,加州。The first examples of Ford's Fiesta hatchback arrived today at U. S. seaports in Baltimore and Oxnard, California.

第三辆赛车参加无限类的开始,是前WRC的冠军格隆霍姆福特嘉年华。The third car to take the start in the unlimited class was the Ford Fiesta of former WRC champion Marcus Gronholm.

每年十月,在阿尔伯克明举办的国际热气球节上,天空中都会出现不下七百个五彩斑澜的热气球。Each October, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta fills the sky with more than 700 colorful hot-air balloons.