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他是一只纯正的中国冠毛犬。Sam is pedigreed Chinese crested dog.

在一群夏季影片的骡子里,这是一匹罕见的纯种马。A rare pedigreed entrant in a summer of mules.

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有报导说马恩岛无尾猫和暹罗猫是能活得最长的猫。Manx and Siamese have been mentioned as being among the longest-lived pedigreed cats.

从很多方面来说,佩林是获得全国提名的政治家中最没有门第背景的人之一。She is by many measures one of the least- pedigreed politicians to be on a national ticket.

这对夫妇拥有他们自己的由纯血种的宠物的毛编制而成的无袖套衫。This couple have his and hers jumpers knitted out of the hair molted by the pedigreed pets.

很多在线注册的狗都是纯种的,但一些宠物主人也会为他们收养的流浪狗做广告。Many of the eligible dogs are pedigreed but some pet owners also advertise for strays they have adopted.

有人甚至专门培养战斗力强的蟋蟀,优良品种的冠军价值可达数百美元。Crickets are even bred for their fighting prowess, and a pedigreed champion can be worth hundreds of dollars.

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如果董事会会议室里是一帮老家伙,他们说“让我们开始做视频吧”,那他们想方设法去做的就是招一些自己的嫡系。If there's a bunch of old dudes in a boardroom that go, "OK. Let's start making video, " what they try to do is hire pedigreed people.

大多数家猫并非纯种猫,它们的父母本身就是没有经过注册的杂种猫。The majority of cats living as household pets are not pedigreed. They are born of parents who are themselves unregistered and, in most cases, are of mixed ancestry.

作家就像那些生活过于优裕、品种纯正的狗——就拿法国斗牛犬来说吧——即便他们非常特殊,依然难以生存。Being a writer is like being one of those riskily overbred pedigreed dogs—a French bulldog, for instance—poorly suited for survival despite their very special attributes.

孤僻与谦虚天性使然,杰克森为美国政坛带来一幅与周边的佛吉尼亚和新英格兰的纯种绅士完全不同的全新景象。Orphaned and of humble origins, Jackson cut a very different figure in the American political landscape from the pedigreed Virginia and New England gentry who surrounded him.