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妈妈教我遗传学。My mother taught me genetics.

有些人生来比别人有更好的基因构造。Some have better genetics than others.

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他们仅仅操纵其基因。They can only manipulate its genetics.

磨牙通常是由遗传或压力造成的。It is usually due to genetics or stress.

解释发育期和基因的影响。Explain the effects of puberty and genetics.

查拉卡也知道遗传学的基本原理。Charaka also knew the fundamentals of genetics.

这是一篇关于遗传学的文章。It was an article about the science of genetics.

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在贝勒,他开始在基因层面上研究CMT。There, he began looking into the genetics of CMT.

当然,这里有很大一部分是属于遗传学的。Certainly a huge part of this is underlying genetics.

神经精神医学中的孟德尔遗传学。Mendelian genetics in the setting of neuropsychiatry.

体遗传学的创立应归功于弗朗西斯·高尔顿。Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton.

地图刚刚跨过了这道门槛,基因图谱也快了。Maps just crossed that threshold. Genetics is about to.

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实用犬育种和遗传学。Frankling, Eleanore. Practical Dog Breeding and Genetics.

基因是一门新兴产业且拥有巨大的潜在市场。Genetics is a whole new industry with huge market potential.

这就表明,在发育障碍的形成中,基因因素起着关键的作用。That suggests that genetics plays a key role in the disorder.

研究人员说,豪饮啤酒又基因变异的人罹患胃癌风险高Heavy Beer Drinking, Genetics May Raise Risk of Stomach Cancer

他似乎把遗传学的这一部分变成了他的独占领域。It is as if he has staked out this bit of genetics as his own.

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我们是可怜的环境和基因的牺牲者。We are poor victims of situations, circumstances and genetics.

我们怎们能完全地把这些遗传性全都表达出来呢?How we choose to express those genetics is completely up to us.

新旋律会将不同遗传之间的基因变得和谐化。The new melody line harmonizes the genetics between inheritances.