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电话是谁发明的?格雷汉姆·贝尔。It was invented by Graham Bell.

这就像一个全麦饼干沉着应战。It buckled like a graham cracker.

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某人向葛培理作见证。Someone witnessed to Billy Graham.

在格雷厄姆门下,巴菲特如鱼得水。In Graham sects Buffett duck to water.

“这两个人跟我的,”哥兰说。"These two are with me, " Graham said.

试试看全麦饼干或者一碗麦片。Try a graham cracker or bowl of cereal.

格拉翰霍尔自然保护区内的火烈鸟。Flamingos at Graham Hall Nature Sanctuary.

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这个剧是根据格雷厄姆格林的一本小说改编的。The play is based upon a novel by Graham Greene.

他就是威廉·格雷厄姆·萨姆纳讲的“被遗忘的人”。He is the Forgotten Man of William Graham Sumner.

亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔给出的5个必读的生活经验Must-Read Life Lessons from Alexander Graham Bell

要感谢他的是,他从来没有说过我是错的。To his credit, Graham never said that I was wrong.

琼斯称当时格雷厄姆告诉她服用的是亚麻子油。Jones said that Graham told her it was flaxseed oil.

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1876年阿历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明了电话。Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

比力格雷厄姆来自救世主福音的讲道法中。Billy Graham comes in preaching the gospel of Christ.

格雷厄姆参军以逃脱烦闷的工作。Graham joined the army to get away from a boring job.

组织者格雷厄姆盛赞这次的活动举办非常成功。Organiser Graham Agg hailed it as a complete success.

“你知道这些电梯是违法的,”哥兰说,“根据规则,没有玻璃电梯可以超过九十层,而这楼有九十七层楼面,它是洛杉矶最高的楼。"You know these elevators are illegal, " Graham said.

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我曾经问格拉汉姆的儿子这是什么意思。I asked his son, Benjamin Graham Jr., what that meant.

1870年,亚力山大。贝尔申请了电话的专利权。In 1870, Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

“操他妈的日本人,”随着门关上,哥兰说道。"Fucking Japanese, " Graham said, as the doors closed.