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笔者更倾向于采取一种相对客观主义的立场。The author favors in adopts one relatively objectivism the standpoint.

客观主义是关于个人和理性思考的重要性。Objectivism is about the importance of the individual and reasonable thought.

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安兰德说,“地球颤栗”完全确定她的客观主义哲学。Ayn Rand said that "Atlas Shrugged" fully defined her philosophy of Objectivism.

罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy.

客观论是一种认为善和价值存在于客体之中的无价理本体论。Metaethical Objectivism is an ontological idea holding that good and value exist in object.

客观主义和主观主义的基本要点与形而上学历史学视域中的相同。Objectivism and subjectivism has the similar main points with that of metaphysical history.

在理论上我们要认识到全球化具有客观性和主观性二重性。Theoretically we should know the duality of globalization with subjectivism and objectivism.

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主要的民法典文本或契约法文本没有任何一个完全贯彻客观主义或主观主义。None of main versions of civil code or contract law wholly embodied subjectivism or objectivism.

蒙太格语法的本体论是建立在认识论客观主义和意义对应论基础上的。The Ontology of MG is based on epistemological objectivism and Correspondence Theory of Meaning.

她声称的想法,客观始终是明确的,不需要任何进一步的检查。She claims the idea of objectivism has always been clear and does not need any further examination.

科学解释学与客观主义形成对立,而这并不必然使科学滑入相对主义。Hermeneutics of science is opposed to objectivism of science, does not necessarily slide into relativism.

她为人所知的是她的畅销小说和在哲学体系上的发展,她自己称之为客观主义。She is known for her best-selling novels and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism.

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客观主义认为,狭义的共犯具有从属性,共同犯罪具有整体性,所以共犯的中止依据正犯的中止来确定。The objectivism thinks that the joint crime in the narrow sense depends on the completement of the whole crime.

历史客观主义的根本失误在于,片面强调历史发展的规律性而忽视个体的独特价值和活动目的。The basic fault of historical objectivism is to emphasis one-sided law and neglect individual unique value and aim.

论文的第一部分是对西方客观主义法律解释传统的阐述。The penman explain the tradition of objectivism legal interpretation of the western in the part one of this thesis.

这些恶魔的对立面,就是由塔戈特、里尔登,以及神秘的约翰·高尔特率领的个人主义者,是兰德本人的客观主义哲学观的典型。Their opponents, led by Taggart, Rearden, and theenigmatic John Galt, exemplify Rand's own philosophy of Objectivism.

因此,在目的论解释方法中,刑法解释的客观性是指“合法性”与“正当性”。So, in the method of the aim interpretation, the objectivism of the criminal law means "legitimacy" and "justification".

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鉴于此,设立偷税罪定罪标准时应向客观主义倾斜,以达到定罪的公正。Therefore, the condemnable standard for tax evasion should be based on objectivism to reach the fairness of condemnation.

其中,经验主义代表传统认知科学的立场,而客观主义代表当代认知科学的立场。Of these, objectivism represents the traditional and experientialism represents contemporary positions of cognitive science.

关于这点,应当结合各国的实际情况来认定,从我国的实际情况出发,应采以主观说为基础,兼采客观说的折衷说。From our country's practice, we should take the eclecticism which base on subjectivism and take some opinions of objectivism.