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从鲸须以腹腔镜。From whalebone to laparoscope.

方法对20例腹部外伤患者采用腹腔镜诊断和治疗。Method To use laparoscope in diagnosis and treatment for 20 cases abdominal trauma.

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医生通常用名为腹腔镜的系统搭配一台摄影机进行工作。The doctor works with the a system called a laparoscope , usually connected to a video camera.

目的探讨腹腔镜在高位隐睾诊断和治疗中的价值。Objective To study the value of laparoscope in the diagnosis and treatment of high cryptorchidism.

结论二孔腹腔镜对是诊断和治疗小肠重复畸形的一种行之有效的方法。Conclusions Two-trocar laparoscope is an effective method to diagnose and treat intestinal duplication.

目的探讨垂体后叶素对腹腔镜输卵管切开取胚术患者预后的影响。Objective To explore the effect of pituitrin on the prognosis of patients with laparoscope salpingotomy.

方法使用自行研究发明的肝门血流阻断器,在电视腹腔镜引导下,经穿刺卡进入腹腔。Methods The self-invented portal blood blocker was delivered into the abdominal cavity under guiding of laparoscope.

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结果腹腔镜下可清晰观察到侧锥筋膜和融合筋膜。Results Under laparoscope lateral conal fascia continues from the fascia of quadratus lumborum at its lateral border.

目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术联合腹腔其他脏器手术的临床应用价值。Objective To determine the value of clinical application of cholecystectomy and other operations on the abdomen by laparoscope.

目的观察腹腔镜与开放手术治疗精索脉曲张的疗效。Objective To investigate the curative effects of laparoscope operation and spermatic veins operation in patients with spermophlebectasia.

宫腹腔镜联合行输卵管全程插管再通术,具有疗效好、成功率高、损伤小等特点,是目前治疗输卵管阻塞的较好方法。The whole oviduct intubation under hysteroscope association laparoscope is high effect and success rate for oviduct emphraxis at present.

方法经腹腔镜行精索内静脉高位结扎,术中保留精索动脉。Methods High position ligation of varicocele under laparoscope was performed and internal spermatic arteries were reserved intraoperatively.

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结论腹腔镜下保守手术治疗输卵管妊娠疗效好,输卵管再通率高。Conclusion The curative effect of laparoscope surgery in treatment of tubal pregnancy is good and the recanalization rate of oviduct is high.

结论“二镜”联合治疗肝外胆管结石是一安全有效的微创手术方法。Therapeutic alliance of duodenoscope and laparoscope for calculus of extrahepatic bile duct is a safe and effective mini-intrusive operation.

在泵入二氧化碳到腹部使腹腔扩张以便容纳仪器后,切开一个小切口并插入腹腔镜。After carbon dioxide is pumped in to expand the space for the instruments, small incisions are made and the laparoscope and instruments inserted.

目的探讨超声对腹腔镜胆囊切除术后胆囊窝出现异常回声诊断鉴别和治疗的价值。Objective To discuss the value of ultrasonography in the management of abnormal echogenicity in the fossa of gallbladder after laparoscope cholecystectomy.

结论宫、腹腔镜联合下微导丝疏通是治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕较理想的治疗手段。Conclusions Wire-guided tubal recanalization under hysteroscope combined with laparoscope is an ideal option for the treatment of occluded oviduct infertility.

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一种说法是敌人进攻布鲁塞尔城并要炸毁城市,机智勇敢的小于连用一泡尿浇灭了正在燃烧的导火线,挽救了布鲁塞尔城。One is that the enemy attack Brussels towns and cities to blow up wit and brave less than laparoscope a bubble urine douse the burning fuse, saved Brussels city.

目的探讨应用腹壁缝合针腹腔镜下治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝的手术方法及手术效果,并对几个常见问题进行讨论。Objective To study the operation for repairing oblique inguinal hernia of infant by suture needle in laparoscope and its effect, and to discuss the common questions.

目的通过护理干预减少有眩晕病史患者腹腔镜胆囊切除术后眩晕症状及相关并发症的发生。Objective To explore appropriate nursing interventions to reduce vertigo incidence and related complication in patients with vertigo history after laparoscope cholecystectomy.