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乔·乐夫乔伊从锐步球场发来报道Joe Lovejoy at the Reebok Stadium

但如果假设他代言的是锐步/Reebok呢?But suppose he had endorsed Reebok instead.

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1994年,伊克巴尔被授予锐步人权奖。In 1994, Iqbal was awarded the Reebok Human Rights Award.

你看样子好像想让锐步给你做个无袖衫?Q. You looking to perhaps convince Reebok to make a sleeveless shirt for you?

锐步在美国比我们要强,但是我们在欧洲和亚洲要强得多。Reebok is stronger in the U. S. than we, but we are much stronger in Europe and Asia.

上赛季索迪里奥斯·基尔贾科斯的利物浦首演也是做客锐步球场的比赛。Sotirios Kyrgiakos made his Liverpool debut in this fixture at the Reebok last season.

锐跑运动鞋的“气囊”是借用了静脉气袋的技术。The Reebok “pump” was an athletic-shoe air bladder borrowed from intravenous bag technology.

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阿森纳上周六在锐步球场3比1逆转博尔顿后,重新登上积分榜之巅。Arsenal last Saturday at the Reebok Stadium Bolton reverse 3 to 1, re-board the points standings top.

在这里,锐步庆祝了他们与这个七十六人的明星长达十年的合作。It was here that Reebok celebrated the 10th year anniversary of their relationship with the Sixers' star.

湿地的齐格产生了更多的锐步篮球鞋在任何利害关系,除了该公司在多年不见。The Zig Slash has generated more interest in any Reebok basketball shoe than the company has seen in years.

非盈利组织对斯凯奇,锐步还有MBT的健体塑身鞋同普通的运动鞋作了比较。The nonprofit group compared the benefits of toning shoes from Skechers, Reebok and MBT with ordinary running shoes.

锐布独特在它看重与零售商之间的关系上,它自己就像零售商市场策略中的一个组成部分。Reebok is unique in that it emphasizes relationships with the retailers as an integral part of its marketing strategy.

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我厌恶老是听到别人提到钱、钱、钱、钱、钱,我只想去打球赛、喝百事可乐、穿锐跑球鞋。I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, mon- ey, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.

接受测试的人只跑了500步,锐步方面也承认,如果穿着者适应了这个鞋子之后,效果也许就没这么明显了。The test involved only 500 steps, and Reebok acknowledges that the effect may diminish as wearers get used to the shoes.

请问耐克,阿迪达斯,美津侬,锐步,百事可乐,可口可乐,诺基亚,摩托罗拉,都是哪些国家的品牌?Ask Nike , Adidas , US moist Nong , Reebok , Pepsi , Coca-Cola , Nokia , Motorola , the brand which country to being please?

一工人正锤凿某制鞋厂厂房屋顶,这个工厂曾制鞋给耐克和锐步等多家品牌。中国是世界最大的制鞋地,世界三分之一的顶级品牌运动鞋是在中国制造的。A worker is hammering away on the roof of the KTP Group Shoe Factory, who used to produce shoes for Nike and Reebok among many.

前世界排名第一的塞尔维亚网球选手扬科维奇,已从锐步脱身,转而投靠了一家中国体育用品公司——安踏。When former No.1-ranked Serbian tennis player Jelena Jankovic was dropped by Reebok she turned to Chinese sportswear firm Anta.

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离开锐步球场的阿勒代斯把俱乐部带到了联赛第五名,下赛季大有可能征战欧洲赛场。Allardyce has stepped down at the Reebok Stadium with the club fifth in the Premiership and on the brink of qualifying for Europe.

在上个月末博尔顿解雇主教练梅格森,他在锐步执掌的84场联赛中只赢了23场。At the end of last month Wanderers parted company with manager Gary Megson, who won 23 of his 84 league games in charge at the Reebok.

阿森纳传奇人物,前枪手队长蒂埃里·亨利为他个人赞助商锐步搞宣传来到了墨西哥。Arsenal Legend and former Gunners skipper Thierry Henry visited Mexico to take part on a promotion tour for his personal sponsor Reebok.