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他从来还没有遇到过这种夹棍的压榨。Never had such pincers seized him hitherto.

迄今为止貌似斯文的争端正在变得尖锐有棱。A hitherto polite dispute is acquiring a sharper edge.

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而迄今,征服者的伟大都只限地缘。Hitherto the greatness of a conqueror was geographical.

他能继续这般兴采地在他原走的路上走吗?Could he continue as cheerily in the paths he had hitherto pursued?

迄今未动用余额的财产价值是开放供使用。The hitherto unutilized amount of the property value is opened for use.

迄今为止,人类文明的历史是勇往直前,所向无敌的历史。The history of man's civilization is hitherto a bravely advanced history.

国会僭越了迄今为止属于各州领域中的权力。Congress's arrogated powers over domains hitherto belonging to the states.

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在花展上我们看到许多见所未见的奇花异草。I saw and heard of many strange things of which I had hitherto been unaware.

“里奥兰翘镇”迄今还没有自己的应急设施。The township of Rio Rancho has hitherto not had its own emergency facilities.

至今为止哥伦比亚的军力建设完全是为了应对国内的叛乱。Hitherto Colombia’s military build-up has been wholly focused on counter-insurgency.

尽管有我的呵护,这些凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光.Hitherto the withering flowers can’t withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.

美国工人阶级,不论白人和黑人,都达到了迄今想都没有想过的繁荣水平。American workers, white and black, achieved hitherto unimagined levels of prosperity.

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这是林登一直不愿做的事,可现在情况已经到了山穷水尽的地步。This was what Linden had hitherto shrunk from doing, but the situation was desperate.

指以尚未公开发行的股票形式支付给股东的股息。A dividend paid to shareholders in the form of authorized but hitherto unissued shares.

但是中国沿海工厂中的工人迄今为止却几乎从未展示他们的阶级意识。But workers in China’s coastal factories have hitherto shown little class-consciousness.

许多人建议要逐步取消到目前为止还是独立的经济地理系。There are proposals to phrase out the hitherto separate Department of Economic Geography.

因此,迄今未使用部分的物业价值也有效地投入使用。Thus, the hitherto unutilized portion of the property value is also effectively put to use.

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他的死引发了一场军事政变,政变由一名迄今为止尚不清楚有何背景的上尉穆萨·卡马拉领导。His death prompted a coup by army officers led by a hitherto unknown captain, Moussa Camara.

指股东股息的支付是按未公开发行的股票形式。The dividend is paid to shareholders in the form of authorized but hitherto unissued shares.

卡洛尔和布莱克将加建的房子称为“大房间,”这个概念至今在拉姆齐山社区还是个新鲜叫法。Carol and Blake referred to it as a “great-room, ” a concept hitherto foreign to Ramsey Hill.