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听诊右肺呼吸音弱。The auscultation right lung respiratory murmur is weak.

另外一种诊断方法是听和嗅。Another diagnostic method is auscultation and olfaction.

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同步听诊有助于计数。Simultaneous auscultation can aid in the timing of events.

此外,系统还可以对用户的心音听诊能力进行测试。Besides, this system can be used to test users' level of auscultation.

胸部听诊呈弥散至弥漫性湿、干罗音。Chest auscultation usually reveals scattered to diffuse crackles and rhonchi.

听意味着听病人的声音、言语、呼吸、咳嗽和呻吟。Auscultation means listening to the patient's voice, speaking, respiration, coughing and moaning.

胸部。肺部听诊有哮鸣音和湿罗音提示哮喘或心衰。C. Chest. Auscultation of the lungs for wheezes and crackles may indicate asthma or heart failure.

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结论纵隔手术入路经左听诊三角较好。Conclusion It would be advisable to perform mediastinal operations through the left triangle of auscultation.

是心音和杂音由心音描记法记录下来,这可有助于解释听诊中碰到的疑难问题。It is heart sounds and murmurs that phonocardio-graphy records, which may help to elucidate difficult problems of auscultation.

示范传统检查、摸测、听诊幼儿或儿童腹部疼痛的方法。This video demonstrates the traditional examination skills of inspection, palpation and auscultation used with infants and children.

方法两例心前区双期杂音的患者,经彩色多普勒超声心动图检查。Methods Take color doppler echocardiographical care of 2 cases who both have systolic and diastolic murmurs in precordial region auscultation.

肿瘤高起呈念珠状,表面温度较高,扪诊有震颤感,听诊有吹风样杂音。Tumor rises high submit beads form, exterior temperature is higher, palpation has quiver feeling, auscultation has blowy appearance cacophony.

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结果该方法的测试结果与听诊法对比相关性良好,测量血压速度快,舒适度高。Results The correlation of this method and auscultation method is good, and the blood pressure are measured fast and comfortable by this method.

方法选取四肢创伤患者100例,采用多普勒听诊检查肢体动脉,对结果进行统计和分析。Methods 100 cases of patients with extremities'arterial injury were examined with Doppler auscultation and the results were analyzed statistically.

目的对左、右听诊三角进行解剖学观测,探讨纵隔手术的理想入路。Objective To investigate the surgical approaches for mediastinal operations through an anatomical study of the bilateral triangles of auscultation.

左听三诊的上角位置较高,它的上角、内侧角距后正中线的距离较近。The left triangle of auscultation was at a higher position than the right one, and the upper and medial angles were closer to the posterior median line.

望、闻、问、切是了解病理状况的四种诊断方法。Inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry and pulse-taking and palpation are the four diagnostic methods to understand the pathological conditions.

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战国时期的著名医生扁鹊,最早用望、闻、问、切四种方法诊断病情。The famous doctor of the Warring States Period Bian Que was the first to use observation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation for diagnosis.

到医院检查发现,他们结膜、咽部明显充血,胸部听诊呼吸音粗糙,医生诊断为轻度甲醛中毒。To check at the Hospital found that their conjunctiva, pharyngeal clear congestion, chest auscultation breath sounds rough, doctors diagnosed mild formaldehyde poisoning.

闻诊是医生运用自己的听觉和嗅觉,通过对病人发出的声音和体内排泄物散发的各种气味来推断疾病的诊法。By the methods of auscultation and olfaction, doctors try to diagnose diseases by listening to the sound of the patients and smelling the odor of excreta released by the human body.