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面对洛基和捍卫普隆德拉不惜一切代价!Face Loki and defend Prontera at all costs!

我已经在处理了,但是这件事涉及到索尔和洛基。I have been, but this concerns Thor and Loki.

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马车上的菩提和洛基。通常直播在东部时间9-5点。Bodhi and Loki on the chaise. Usually live 9-5 EST.

洛基为这种追求提供了一个耐人寻味的设置。Loki provides an intriguing setting for this pursuit.

我是尤顿海姆的洛基,我带给你一样礼物!I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I have brought you a gift!

两件事情凑到沉淀洛基我们离开。Two events conspire to precipitate our departure from Loki.

包括洛基在内,宴会桌周围坐着13个神。There were 13 gods sitting around the table, including Loki.

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在挪威最有名的怪物是洛基的三个孩子。The most famous monsters in Norse are the three children of Loki.

我们看到了只有洛基这骗子有本事逃脱代价。We have seen that only Loki the trickster manages to escape the fee.

在挪威的神话中,地震被解释为洛基神的猛烈的斗争。In Norse mythology, earthquakes were explained as the violent struggling of the god Loki.

浩德是个盲人,邪神洛基抓着浩德的手让浩德一箭射中了保德的心脏。Holder was blind and Loki held onto his hand and shot Balder in the heart with the mistletoe arrow.

洛基知道他得逃走,要不然就得一生断送在奴役身上,因此就自愿要求要把那茅送到奥丁那儿。Loki knew he had to escape, or be locked into servitude and so offered to deliver the spear to Odin.

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年轻的雷神与他兄弟洛基踏上了寻找传说中的圣剑之旅。The young Norse god Thor embarks on a quest with his brother Loki to find and recover a legendary sword.

现在看来,只有像洛基、灭霸这样更强大的神秘威胁出现时,法师们才会出手。It's only now that more magical threats like Loki and Thanos have appeared that the sorcerors have broken cover.

洛基,在不愿意牺牲自己个人安全的情况下,挑战他们,做出的宝物是跟他的三项宝物相同价值的。Loki challenged them to make treasures equal to the three he had, not being willing to risk his personal safety.

在北欧神话之中,大部分神的冒险是由恶作剧所引起,其他还有半神Loki玩弄他们的君主。In Norse mythology, many of the gods' adventures originate in some trick or another played on their majesties by the half-god Loki.

最后用你无懈可击的战斗技巧和魔法战技去战胜邪恶的洛基!As you progress you will also be able to use cool fighting combinations, magic and tricks to destroy the evil Loki and his unholy offspring.

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但是槲寄生却不属于土,火,水,气中的任何一种,所以一个叫洛基的邪神用槲寄生树枝做了一枝箭,还把这支箭交给保德的弟弟浩德。The mistletoe did not fit into any of these categories, so an evil spirit by the name of Loki created an arrow out of mistletoe and gave it to Balder's brother, Holder.

它使用了Skyhook服务,因此需要在loki.com上注册你的站点,这样Web应用就能得到用户的位置信息了。This build uses the Skyhook service, and therefore you will need to register your site on in order for your geo-enabled web application to be allowed to request the locations of users.