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在球场上,姚明十分好胜,但从不令人反感。On court, Yao was pugnacious but never repugnant.

随后我到一个爱吵架的同事那里寻求建议。Afterwards I sought the advice of a pugnacious colleague.

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懒,能使人脾气大。祥子现在知道怎样对人瞪眼。Laziness makes people irascible, andXiangzi now grew pugnacious.

一位退休的诉讼人怀念对其好斗才智的挑战。A retired litigator misses the challenge to her pugnacious intellect.

其中好战的言论肯定能激怒战争评论家。There were also pugnacious certainties guaranteed to incite the war's critics.

相反,这是一种新的战争形势,想绝大多数的入侵形式一样,源自于深层的焦虑。On the contrary, its newly pugnacious posture, like most forms ofaggression, sprang from deep anxiety.

伊曼纽尔显示素以最为好斗的总统幕僚、国会及媒体操纵者而闻名,且其本人还引以为豪。Mr Emanuel is famous for being the president's most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media manipulator, and proud of it to boot.

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但是在我看来还有一些原因,它们并非像人们通常相信的那样---中国保证她正在努力约束她的不守规矩的、好斗的小盟友---北朝鲜。But there are more reasons than usual to believe China's promises that it is trying to rein in its unruly, pugnacious little ally, North Korea.

此人是当地坦慕尼派控制的选区的一个政治食客,他手里有一副更好的牌。There was a better hand across the table, held by a pugnacious Irish youth, who was a political hanger-on of the Tammany district in which they were located.

没人知道彬彬有礼的上院领袖杰特雷和敢作敢为的下院首领斯瓦拉杰到底谁才是真正的领导人。Nobody knows if the urbane Mr Jaitley, who leads the party in Parliament's upper house, or the pugnacious Sushma Swaraj, in the lower house, is really in charge.

虽然老妇人的经理说他们夏天的转会已经完毕了,但是在保尔森来了之后尤文图斯还需要一名富有创造力的中场球员。Although the Old Lady claim they have finished their shopping for the summer, there is still a gap for a creative midfielder after the arrival of the pugnacious Christian Poulsen.

故事设在1957年冷战时期,围绕印第安纳·琼斯博士面对冷血俄罗斯女间谍的斗争展开,琼斯博士的真爱玛丽昂·拉文伍德也回来了。The story is set in 1957, and this time Dr. Jones goes up against cold-blooded, Cold War Russkies. Making a return alongside Dr. Jones is Marion Ravenwood, Indy's pugnacious true love.