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决定破产管理能力的是什么?And what determines receivership capability?

希腊和爱尔兰已接受破产管理。Greece and Ireland are already in receivership.

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记住“破产管理能力”和最大限度。Remember "receivership capability" and also capacity.

在衰退环境下,各种各样的企业会进入破产管理程序。In a recession, all kinds of businesses go into receivership.

24小时之后,他们的生意被纳入托管。Twenty-four hours later, their business was put into receivership.

这就是如何致力于自己的相关事物!它使你为更加引人注目的和急速的变化做好准备!这就是“破产管理能力”。This is how work on the self works! It prepares you for even more dramatic and rapid changes! And this is "receivership capacity".

十月29日,冰岛政府接管glitnir,十月8日,glitnir,landsbanki和kaupthing三家银行都被政府接管。The government began to nationalise Glitnir on September 29, and by October 8, Glitnir, Landsbanki and Kaupthing were in receivership.

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公司的关键资产和债务将被转让给一家过渡机构,任何余下的部分将作为接管资产。Critical assets and liabilities of the firm can be transferred to a bridge institution, while any remainder is left in the receivership estate.

库比集团在2009年接收了连年干旱后受影响的作物和收入后,拥有昆士兰棉花农场和库比站。Cubbie Group owns the Queensland cotton farm, Cubbie Station, which went into receivership in 2009 after years of drought affected crops and revenue.

冰岛第二大银行LANDSBANKI的董事会已经被解散,该银行已经被政府接管。In Iceland, the board of directors of Landsbanki, the country's second largest bank, has been dismissed and the institution placed into receivership.

“我们的经济有巨大的活力,但如果州政府无法偿还欠款,我们最后只能申请破产管理,”加州的多产编年史学家凯文·斯塔这样说道。"We have an incredibly dynamic economy, but we'll still end up in federal receivership if our government can't pay its bills, " says historian Kevin Starr, a prolific chronicler of the state.