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整个新闻室都是乱飞的玻璃碎片。There was glass flying through the newsroom.

文采飞扬的美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻编辑室的一半员工被裁掉的一天。Literarily half of the CBS newsroom got laid off one day.

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但是,在世界其他地方,搜查新闻编辑室的情况频繁发生。But in other parts of the world, newsroom searches occur frequently.

你要记住,新闻部就像一大块曲奇。See, you just gotta remember that the newsroom is like a big cookie.

接下来,他们需要面对报纸的新老板和编辑室的代表。Next, they are presented to the owners and to delegates from the newsroom.

可见,编辑必须既是干练的记者,又是新闻编辑室的领袖。As you can see, editors need to be strong journalists and newsroom leaders.

南希以难得的顺从站起身来,尾随着他离开了新闻编辑室。With unusual docility, Nancy stood up and followed him as he left the newsroom.

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这引出了我们第二部分的问题,即应该在哪儿托管编辑室。Which leads us to the second part answer to where the newsroom should be hosted.

ProPublica是一家独立的非盈利新闻工作室,总部位于曼哈顿。ProPublica is an independent, non-profit newsroom with headquarters in Manhattan.

随后,新闻官员们参观了中国网多媒体演播室。The group also toured China. org. cn's multilingual newsroom and multimedia studio.

维亚康姆甚至动用了其整个在线新闻部门来记录这场法律大战。Viacom devoted an entire section of its online newsroom to chronicling the legal fight.

艾米·华尔,白天是电视新闻出品人和新闻编辑室经理,晚上是作家和诗人。Amy Wall is a writer and a poet by night, and a TV news producer and newsroom manager by day.

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一次这样的审查结果足以让其它媒体的每个新闻编辑室都郁闷不已,如坐针毡了。One dose of censorship like that is enough to sour every other newsroom sitting on a big exposé.

但仅仅增加新闻编辑部中的女性人数并不足以保证性别敏感式报道。But simply having more women in a newsroom is not enough to guarantee gender-sensitive reporting.

在拜访该报社部的"第二个"星期,他放任命为该报重要专栏的主笔。The week following his first vist to the newsroom he was appointed editor of the important column.

在造访该报社编辑部的“第二个”礼拜,他放任命为该报首要专栏的编缉。The week following his first visit to the newsroom he was appointed editor of the important column.

今年夏天,纽约大学仍将举办针对高中生和大学生的网络城市新闻编辑夏令营。This summer, NYU will also offer a Hyperlocal Newsroom Summer Academy for high school and college students.

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所有这些都能实现吗?它能替代那些配有专业人员和昂贵器械的电视台编辑部吗?Does all this really work -- and can it replace a real newsroom with expensive equipment run by professionals?

与州长的麻烦相关的报道提升了新闻编辑室的士气,当然这些报道可以维持多久也恰恰是大家都在猜测的。The coverage of the governor's troubles lifted newsroom morale but it is anybody's guess how long that will last.

除去语言的不同和行业地位的优势外,瓜哇邮报给人的感觉无异于其他任何一家大日报的编辑室。Language difference and a preponderance of statues aside, the Jawa Pos felt like any other newsroom of a large daily.