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你说许多大公司不择手段,你能举个例子吗?。You say that many big companies act unscrupulously.

于这个谎言中,人们恣意喝酒、撒野或者沽名钓誉。In this lies, people unscrupulously drink, act boorishly to perhaps fish for fame.

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曾琦等青年党人是“异己”,因而国民党对他们大肆排挤。Regarding the Youth Party members as dissidents, the Guomindang excluded them unscrupulously.

不经意间,任情感恣意,无形中留下了多少回忆。Paid no attention, allowed emotion to leave unscrupulously and invisibly how much recollection.

后来他竟然丧心病狂地杀死霍华德并毁尸灭迹。Afterwards he unexpectedly and unscrupulously kills Huo Hua virtuous and ruin corpse to put out a vestige.

察其原因,不外有少数顽固分子,不顾民族国家利益,恣意妄为。The reason is that a handful of die-hards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest.

察其原因,不外有少数顽固分子,不顾民族国家利益,恣意妄为。The reason is that a handful of die- hards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest.

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是的,他必须为那夜的恣意妄为负责,但毕竟是违心的。Yes, he has to be unscrupulously wild for that night in order to be responsible for, but after all disobey heart.

摘录文件、材料应当保持内容相应的完整性,不得断章取义。The excerpts of the documents or materials shall be relatively complete in content and may not made unscrupulously.

更有人以各种昆虫基因,大肆排列组合一番,创造出各种前所未闻的怪虫。Others unscrupulously rearranged the gene sequences of various insects and created many unprecedented and bizarre insects.

前往刚果的白人内心的“黑暗”在这个没有社会规范约束的丛林里肆无忌惮的展现。The evil in the whites who come to the Congo is manifested unscrupulously in the jungle without social or moral restrictions.

倘若是,那么有钱人便可以肆无忌惮地杀人放火了,因为他们有的是办法去解决问题。If it is, then the rich people can murder and set fire unscrupulously because they have ways to weasel out of criminal activities.

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如果政府真正帮助企业失败,今后将肆无忌惮地冒险的企业,希望政府来保护他们。If the Government really help the enterprises fail, the future will be unscrupulously risky business, expect the Government to protect them.

然而在上海,这对父子商人还是被“忽悠”了。这么说吧,他们从来没被骗得那么惨。Nevertheless, the two businessmen were "shanghaied," so to speak, unscrupulously duped in a way Mouazzen has never experienced anywhere else.

尽管以色列无情地占领了巴勒斯坦、叙利亚和黎巴嫩的领土,埃及与以色列还是无原则地保持着和平协定。Egypt unscrupulously maintains a peace treaty with Israel, despite that country's relentless occupation of Palestinian, Syrian, and Lebanese territories.

也为推动立法是魏京生,谁也不知道中国的监狱都非常清楚,并懂得如何肆无忌惮地操纵中共政权可以。Also pushing for the legislation is Wei Jingsheng, who knows Chinese prisons all too well, and understands how unscrupulously manipulative the Chinese regime can be.

笔者尝试通过对各国恶意诉讼规制的比较法研究,结合对我国现行相关立法的分析,提出我国对恶意诉讼的规制对策。As the present law of our country has no explicit stipulation to regulate the malicious prosecution, it enables some person commit malicious prosecution unscrupulously.

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正如我们在很多发展中国家所看到的,很多人对以牺牲国家利益为代价来增进个人或小集团的利益的行为并不感到内疚。Examples of these are found in many developing countries, where many of their citizens unscrupulously sacrifice national interests for their own benefits or those of their groups.

近年来,除了有人砍大树猎取木材外,药用加剧了对其资源的掠夺,野生红豆杉濒临灭绝,在许多原来有大面积分布的地方现在已经不再见其踪迹。Recently, large trees are unscrupulously poached for wood and exploitation of the species for medicinal purposes is further threatening it. In many areas yew has been nearly extirpated.