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我是这屋里唯一的个人主义者。I am the only individualist in this room.

我比以前更是一个个人主义者了。I am far more of an individualist than I ever was.

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社会者冠以我们“个人主义者”之名。The socialists brand us with the name individualist.

他是个自立、坚强而又固执的人。He was independent and strong, a stubborn individualist.

通过论证有两类个人主义革命的存在,我最终了解了布兰德的立场。I get to where Blond is by arguing that there have been two individualist revolutions.

另一些人会争辩说,个人主义者的目标并不自私,只要他们并不伤害其他人。Others would argue that individualist goals are not selfish so long as they do not harm others.

每一个粒子都是与其邻居互不联系的粗野的个人主义者。Each particle was such a rugged individualist that it would have nothing to do with its neighbor.

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在个人主义者文化,人们可以作为个人自由地迁移,并且鼓励的是个人。In Individualist cultures, people can be moved around as individuals, and incentives should be given to individuals.

西方文化有更多的个人主义,所以在那种文化中的人通常更少随大流。Western cultures have more individualist attitudes so people from those cultures are less likely in general to conform.

可惜的是,我们仍然处于传统时代,每个人都想穿得与众不同来彰显自己的个性。But unfortunately, we're still in the old-school, individualist mind-set of wearing different clothes from everyone else.

去除了资本主义,错误意识也随之消失,人类将不再自私和个人主义。Remove the capitalism, your false conciousness goes, your ideology goes, man will no longer be selfish and individualist.

在批判和继承黑格尔政治哲学思想的基础上,马克思提出了社会个人主义的人学方法。Marx's social individualist methodology of humane studies is based on the criticism of and succession to Hegel philosophy.

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只有最固执己见的个体主义者才会认为结果只可能是妥协和拼贴的作品而非全新的整体。Only the atomistic thinking of the dogmatic individualist could deny that a new, homogeneous whole rather than compromising patchwork may be the result.

针对个体主义族群,善因行销活动所增加的曝光度和熟悉度被视为可能的共变因素。As well, the increased level of past exposure to and familiarity with CRM campaigns of the individualist group was considered as a possible covariate factor.

而“和谐”的个人主义的微观经济模式运作的条件是一个普遍现象,一个失业后备军的存在。The condition of the "harmonious" functioning of the individualist micro-economic model is a mass phenomenon, the existence of a reserve army of the unemployed.

部分学者借用结构主义文学理论、批评个人主义作者观,为民间文学的集体产权观铺路。Some scholars pave the way for the collective property right on folk literature by borrowing the structuralist literature theory and criticizing the individualist authorship notion.

蒋光慈的革命小说,以马克思主义的阶级革命理论否定了“五四”以来的个性主义思想革命,开创了中国现代文学史上现代革命意识形态的宏大叙事的先河。Jiang Guangci s revolutionary novel, by using Marxist revolutionary theory, denied the revolution of individualist thought that has come into existence since " the May 4th Movement".

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莱茵在古代以色列人的法律和习俗中发现了早期的个人主义观点,并提到了圣经里以色列人在上帝的强烈反对下拥戴了他们的第一位国王。Lane finds early individualist sentiment in the laws and customs of the ancient Israelites, and notes that the Bible has them establishing the first king only over God's strong objections.

庄子所提出的“无用之用”的人生处世理念,历来被研究者认为是消极避世或个人主义的人生哲学,这未免有失偏颇。WThe concept of "the use of the useless" in life put forward by Master Zhuang has been wrongly regarded by scholars in history as the passive, reclusive and individualist philosophy of life.

通过创作主体这一切入口,对二者关于主体性的理论作一对比性梳理之后,尼采作为极端个人主义者的传统定位应该被重新加以思考。When we finish combing the two person's theories of subjectivity mainly about producing subject, the traditional orientation for Nietzsche as an extreme individualist should be reconsidered.