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我痛恨铺张浪费。I hate waste and excess.

不需要付超重费。There is no excess to pay.

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过盛的二氧化碳使地球保持温暖。Excess CO2 warms the Earth.

他精力过剩。He had an excess of energy.

她爱过度地生气。She has an excess of anger.

多余的食物作为脂肪贮存起来。Excess food is stored as fat.

过多的漆在玻璃顶部。Excess painting at glass top.

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他们把多余的液体排掉了。They ran off the excess liquid.

只推崇这样的美德,容许狂狷。Such virtues only as admit excess.

所有这些导致如今的过剩。All this caused the current excess.

慢跑消耗我过剩的精力。Jogging works off my excess energy.

行李超过20公斤要付费。Luggage in excess of 20kg is taxed.

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超额行李费若干好多钱?How much is the excess totes charge?

我不主张无节制的消费。I am NOT advocating excess spending.

这种过剩密度的波就是声波。This wave of excess density is sound.

全方拉链倾倒多余的热量迅速。Full side zips dump excess heat quickly.

我们也可以它来表示超额收益We can also do this with excess returns.

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锌素过量还经常出现铁的褪绿症。Excess zinc often produces iron chlorosis.

即凿除多余石块。It's about chipping away the excess stone.

他的工厂人员已经超员了。He is in excess of manpower in his factory.