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那么,如何刺激神经发育呢?So how does one stimulate neurogenesis?

神经再生是创造新的神经元。Neurogenesis is the creation of new neurons.

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但神经发生对情绪的影响则不明确。But the effects of neurogenesis on mood are murkier.

这样之后,海马体的神经形成也减少了。This also decreased neurogenesis in the hippocampus.

也许,在他们的海马区存在大量的神经发生。Perhaps, much neurogenesis has occurred in their hippocampi.

神经发生的科学研究揭示了许多人都已经知道的事实。Scientific studies on neurogenesis reveal what many of us already knew.

成年鸣禽前脑的某些区域具有神经元的再生现象。Neurogenesis occurs in some areas of the telencephalon of adult songbirds.

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神经发生次数一路高升,然后几周后突然减缓。Neurogenesis ramped way up, then, after several weeks, sputtered and slowed.

这些并非真正的干细胞,但它们具备一定的神经新生能力。These are not true stem cells, but they have some neurogenesis capabilities.

局灶性脑缺血后亦可增加海马齿状回内神经发生。Focal ischemia also could raise the neurogenesis in hippocampus dentate gyrus.

此外,科学家也发现抗抑郁药物是非常有效的神经新生调节剂。In addition, antidepressants have been found to be powerful modulators of neurogenesis.

这种复杂性意味着你不能仅仅用自然神经新生的产物随意替代旧的细胞。This complexity means you can't just hijack any old cell produced by natural neurogenesis.

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似乎神经发生已是早些时候奔跑者过度焦虑背后的罪魁祸首。It seemed that neurogenesis had been the culprit behind the earlier runners' excessive anxiety.

此外,被移植大鼠脑室下区内源性神经发生的过程被激活。Furthermore, endogenous neurogenesis was activated in the subventricular zone of transplanted rats.

结论弥漫性脑损伤可诱导成年脑海马齿状回细胞再生水平在一定时间内上调。Conclusions Neurogenesis in DG could be induced to increase at a time window after diffuse brain injury.

海马体的神经发生可以同时扮演两个角色,除去旧记忆和获得新记忆。Hippocampal neurogenesis could have both of these roles, in erasing old memories and acquiring new memories.

观察跑台运动和脑缺血对海马神经再生的影响。It observed the effects of treadmill running and cerebral ischemia on hippocampus neurogenesis of adult rats.

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最近的一项研究表明神经形成在老鼠幼崽出生后的几天中在雄性老鼠的大脑中发生。A recent study has shown that neurogenesis took place in male mice in the days following the birth of their pups.

一个新的概念叫做神经形成或者神经可塑性,是指我们的大脑实际上会改变和转变。A new concept came up which is Neurogenesis or Neuroplasticity, meaning our brain actually changes and transforms.

因此,大量的奔跑及海马中同等大量神经发生会产生焦虑么?So could high volumes of running and the commensurately large amounts of neurogenesis in the hippocampus produce anxiety?