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罔达修士当然是知道这个的。Of course, Brother Wanda knew this.

旺达紧张不安地在裙子上擦了擦两手。Wanda nervously wiped her hands on her skirt.

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它肯定是玛丽的。旺达•威尔伯是她最喜欢的作者。It must be Mary's. Wanda Wilbur is her favorite author.

大连万达一直以来都是发达市场的巨大投资者。Dalian Wanda has been huge investor in developed markets.

旺达在弗瑞斯老师班级的教室后面发现了一颗牙齿。Wanda finds a tooth in the back of Ms. Frizzle´s classroom.

我也没有城堡,旺达,什么王子会像我这样。I don’t even have a castle, Wanda. What kind of prince is that?

旺达没有办法,她又挥动她的魔法棒,“看啊,查理,乐师”她说。Again Wanda waved her wand. “Look, Charley, musicians, ” he said.

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北京万达索菲特大饭店是索菲特品牌在亚太区的新旗舰店。Sofitel Wanda Beijing is the flagship of Sofitel in Asia Pacific.

旺达没有办法,她又挥动她的魔法棒,“看啊,查理,乐师”她说。Again Wanda waved her wand. “Look, Charley, musicians, ” she said.

成功者包括万达集团和SOHO中国集团,将有巨大的收益。Winners included Wanda Group and SOHO China, which posted huge gains.

万达集团股份有限公司高级副总裁、万达电影院线股份有限公司董事长。Senior Vice president of Wanda group corp. Chairman of Wanda film corp.

项目位于北京市通州万达广场,是一个只有40平米的底商。It is a 40 square meters commercial space on ground floor of Wanda Plaza.

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曼蕾的继母翁德-巴伯尔称赞自己的女儿是一名杰出的警务人员。Her stepmother, Wanda Barbour, said Ms Munley was an oustanding police officer.

婉达自从做噩梦以来一直睡在那小屋里。Wanda had been sleeping in the den ever since she had begun to have nightmares.

在这次治疗后,婉达和我仍然不能谈论我已经患癌症这个事实。After this treatment, Wanda and I still couldn't talk about the truth ---- my cancer.

阿迪达斯与大连万达集团合作,助力中国足球与篮球的发展。Adidas has teamed up with Dalian Wanda to help develop soccer and basketball in China.

万达电影院线是全国排名第一的电影院线,明年的发展也具一定的规模。Wanda Cinemas is the national no. 1 cinemas with a certain scale of development next year.

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而我身边的罔达修士则是美国版本的“老顽童”,但他是个有血有肉的真人。Brother Wanda is the flesh and bones, completely real and faithful version of Lao Wan Tong.

就在学业全部结束的最后一个早晨,校长通知旺达准备迎接最后一项测试。Just that very morning the principal of the Academy had said Wanda was ready for her final test.

我往椅背上一靠,这时正好老罔达又瞅了我一眼,露出一丝“坏”笑。As I leaned back, Brother Wanda glanced over at me and started to giggle like an evil little girl.