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如果风险监测血钙高血钙。Monitor serum calcium if risk of hypercalcemia.

钙过量也会导致高钙血症和软骨头。Excessive amounts of calcium can also lead to hypercalcemia and soft bones.

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无论是高钙血症,也不被发现在接受维生素D治疗大鼠肾毒性。Neither hypercalcemia nor renal toxicity was found in rats receiving vitamin D treatment.

对于肾功能正常的患者,慢性高钙血症可能与血清肌酸酐增多有关。In patients with normal renal function, chronic hypercalcemia may be associated with an increase in serum creatinine.

其他代谢性危象如高钙血症等,尽管与肾衰无关,但也可能导致病人收住ICU。Other metabolic crises, such as hypercalcemia , unrelated to renal failure, may result in a patient's admission to the ICU.

治疗7个月以后,病人出现进行性乏力,不能耐受血液透析,高磷血症和高钙血症。After 7 months' therapy the patient developed progressive weakness, intolerance to hemodialysis, hyperphosphatemia and hypercalcemia.

许多证据显示高血钙可于中枢神经系统造成细胞的毒性效应,而扮演导致神经精神症状之重要角色。Thus, a hypercalcemia -induced cytotoxic effect in the central nervous system may play an important role in neuropsychiatric manifestations.

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因副甲状腺高能症及其它代谢性障碍导致的高血钙症可引起神经系统的症状,其中包括痴呆及巴金森氏症。Hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism or other metabolic disorders is recognized as a cause of neurological disturbances, including dementia and parkinsonism.

结论高钙血症的血液透析患者在使用低钙透析液后,血钙下降明显、可有效降低钙磷乘积,可能有益于减轻血液透析患者骨外转移性钙化的发生。Conclusion There were significant difference between low-calcium dialysate was used before and used after three months and six months in blood calcium with hypercalcemia.

该指南侧重于无症状性原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症,即缺乏高血钙或PTH过量引起的相关特征性症状或体征的原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症。This Workshop was focused upon asymptomatic PHPT, a condition defined as hyperparathyroidism that lacks specific symptoms or signs traditionally associated with hypercalcemia or PTH excess.