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春回大地,生气盎然。Spring answer the earth, exuberant.

那真是一段生气勃勃的时光。And it was an exuberant, exuberant time.

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温室里的花卉没有会有强除夜的死命力。Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.

果园里的那些母树都长得十分茂盛。All those mother trees in the garden are exuberant.

可充溢着从内到外的一种味道。Can exuberant a kind of taste from inside to outside.

那男孩英勇的武侠,如旺盛的魅力。That boy's heroic knight-errant, like exuberant charm.

当我领养了儿子埃里克后,塞林格几乎和我同样兴奋。When I adopted my son, Erik, Jerry was almost as exuberant as I was.

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他们对空鸣枪进行庆祝。They've been firing their guns into the air in exuberant celebration.

他激情四溢,风趣搞笑,对任何的事物都有一些奇怪想法和看法。He's exuberant and funny and has odd ideas and opinions about everything.

1984年的洛杉矶奥运会上,人们看到的是好莱坞魅力,以及无所不在的民族主义。In 1984, Los Angeles was all Hollywood pizzazz and exuberant nationalism.

在美国其他地方,你是否也曾听到过欣欣向荣的舞蹈音乐在葬礼上演奏?Where else in America do you have exuberant dance music played at a funeral?

由此可见,可交换债券发行需求旺盛。Thus it can be seen, may exchange the debenture issue demand to be exuberant.

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大千世界里,你无穷无尽地变幻,华丽多姿的姑娘。Endlessly varied art thou In the exuberant world, Lady of Manifold Magnificence.

一般是在一边放一盆花卉,使餐厅生气盎然,感到舒心。It is to put a flowers aside commonly, make dining-room exuberant , feel Shu Xin.

而对你,快乐或许更是一种兴奋的,喜庆的又或者是内心深处的感受。For you joy may even be more exuberant and celebratory or a deep inner connection.

天然葫芦内藏有许多种籽,也象征多子多孙、人丁旺盛。Natural gourd houses many seeds inside, as well as fertility, household exuberant.

神经质或者是激情澎湃很难与处女座挂上钩。Nervousness or exuberant outbursts of emotion are not usually associated with Virgos.

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浓郁的果味中紫罗兰的香味和柔和的辛辣味隐约可寻。It features exuberant fruity aromas with floral hints of violets and soft spicy notes.

中国城市居民改善居住条件的刚性需求依然旺盛。The rigid requirement that Chinese townsman improves living condition still exuberant.

在这意气风发急若狂飚的过程中,不时使人有极度悲哀之感。In the midst of the hurrying , exuberant process there came moments of intense sadness.