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她的名字在出生的诺玛·琼·贝克。Her name at birth was Norma Jean Baker.

1941年9月诺玛·琼再一次和格莱斯同住。In September 1941 Norma Jeane was again living with Grace.

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我很喜欢诺马,因为她坦率真诚,从不摆架子。Norma because she's genuine person and never puts on side.

诺尔玛·琼斯在当地一家化工厂当打包工。Norma Jones worked as a packer in a local chemical factory.

大赦国际的一名发言人诺尔马马·约翰斯顿讲述了几个案例。A spokesperson for Amnesty, Norma Johnston, describes some cases.

我很喜欢诺马,因为她坦率真诚,从不摆架子。I like Norma because she's genuine person and never puts on side.

可怜的诺玛十分消沉,我想她准出了什么事吧。Poor Norma is way down. I think she has something wrong with her.

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道格迪1944年离家后,诺玛·吉恩找到了一份军工厂的工作。When Dougherty left in 1944, Norma Jean got a job in an army factory.

诺玛·吉恩出生后不久,父亲就把她寄养在别人家里。Shortly after Norma Jean s birth, her father sent her to a foster4 family.

这就是诺曼·麦考维的世界,反复无常、迷糊不清、自相矛盾的世界。Such is the volatile, confusing and contradictory world of Norma McCorvey.

诺玛斯缇兹本名安妮霍金斯特纳,出生在佐治亚州亚特兰大。Norma Stitz, real name Annie Hawkins -Turner, was born in Atlanta, Georgia.

她唱起了意大利作曲家Vincenzo贝里尼在歌剧“诺玛”领先。She sang the lead in the opera "Norma" by Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini.

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她本名诺玛·珍·贝克,出生在洛杉矶。She was born in Los Angeles and was raised under the name Norma Jeane Baker.

诺玛·琼在其最早的七年中一直生活在阿尔博特和伊达·博兰特夫妇家里。Norma Jeane lived in the home of Albert and Ida Bolender for the first 7 years of her life.

1933年被从她曾经知道的唯一家庭带走,开始与母亲一起生活。In 1933, Norma Jeane was taken from the only home she had ever known, to live with her mother.

在该方案中包括来自游唱诗人,诺玛的西维利亚和理发咏叹调表演。Included in the programme are performances of arias from Il Trovatore, Barber of Siviglia and Norma.

朱利安说贾斯格当时是受“蓝书模特经纪公司”所雇,给这位默默无名的诺尔玛·简妮·朵儿蒂拍照。Julien said Jasgur was hired by the Blue Book modeling agency to shoot the then-unknown Norma Jeane.

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HBO1996年的"诺玛简和玛丽莲"是部有点怪异的关于玛丽莲梦露的电视电影.s Norma Jean &Marilyn was an HBO made-for-TV movie about Marilyn Monroe with a pretty kooky premise.

诺曼·琼的父亲从来没有进入过镜头,尽管有许多人想造访他,而她永远也不愿见他。Norma Jeane's father never entered the picture, and despite numerous attempts to meet him, she never would.

诺马在其他职员中很有威信,因为她不论遇到什么事都能沉着冷静。Norma is a good influence on the rest of the staff because she keeps on an even keel no matter what happens.