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他的辩才使得我们哑口无言。His eloquence struck us dumb.

他的雄辩之才能开岩裂石。His eloquence could split rocks.

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他天生具有罕见的口才。He is gifted with rare eloquence.

没人能敌得过他的口才。No one can rival him in eloquence.

哦,请让我的诗篇做我的辩士。O let my looks be then the eloquence.

可能是你的口才好,对不对?May be your eloquence and good, right?

演说的辨别力不止是雄辩。Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.

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她以其辩才和美貌着称。She was renowned for her eloquence and beauty.

口若悬河对她做生意很有帮助。Eloquence helps her to handle with the business.

他雄辩的口才吸引住听众。He carried his audience along with his eloquence.

她被他简洁、富有鼓动性的口才迷住了。She was struck by his simple, spellbinding eloquence.

听众被讲演者的口才所吸引。The audience was drawn to the speaker by his eloquence.

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我旷劫来,辩才无碍。For vast kalpas I have possessed unobstructed eloquence.

恐怕我的雄辩也无补于事实了。I am afraid my eloquence did not avail against the facts.

他想他能够用他的雄辨来欺骗半通者。He thinks he can deceive the semi-learned by his eloquence.

他的口才如此只好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。His eloquence is so good that he cuts dowm the best orator.

口才好、文采好是最没有竞争力的。Eloquence is good, stylish writing is the least competitive.

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他的口才很好,在国民党中是有名的。His eloquence as a speaker was well known in the Kuomintang.

他雄辩地表达了他对那场战争的看法。He expressed his sentiments about the war with great eloquence.

成就一切智慧,获得无边辩才。And they will achieve all wisdom and obtain wonderful eloquence.