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让他们想到了蓝色多瑙河这首名曲!make them think of The Blue Danube waltz!

我现在到了多瑙森根,这里是多瑙河的源头。I'm now in Donaueschingen, the source of the Danube.

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可是多瑙河,哪能有她这般清澈?But how could the Danube compare with such limpidity ?

在塞尔维亚,多瑙河上所有的河运暂停运行。In Serbia, all river transport is suspended on the Danube.

随着宫廷的迁移,巧克力也风靡了蓝色多瑙河。With the court, chocolate moves in by via the blue Danube.

几个世纪以来,多瑙河是欧洲最伟大的通路。For centuries, the danube was the greatest route in europe.

独立桥与正在跨越多瑙河的电车。Independence Bridge, with tramway, spanning the Danube River.

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它与罗马尼亚的国界沿着普鲁特河和多瑙河下游。Its border with Romania follows the Prut and lower Danube rivers.

恺撒挥师北上,深入到多瑙河沿岸的森林地带。Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.

一个名叫阿丽莎的巫婆称新税收政策是“愚蠢的”。A witch at the Danube named Alisia called the new tax law "foolish."

乌尔姆德国南部一城市,位于多瑙河沿岸、斯图加特东南。A city of southern Germany on the Danube River southeast of Stuttgart.

在西南方向,多瑙河三角洲形成了与罗马尼亚的边界。To the southwest the delta of the Danube forms the border with Romania.

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在多瑙河河畔的混凝土下水管里住一夜吧!Stay overnight in a concrete sewer pipe on the banks of the River Danube.

多瑙河的支流普鲁特河,形成了河摩尔多瓦的边界。The Danube is joined by the Prut River, which forms the border with Moldova.

多瑙河畔的匈牙利大平原,曾是匈奴王阿提拉的王庭所在。Attila the Hun set up his court in the Hungarian Plain beside the River Danube.

最近公司收购了多瑙河水路运输供应商Helogistics。Company recently purchased Danube River waterway transport provider Helogistics.

他率领他们北上攻打生活在多瑙河畔的部族。He led it to the far north and attacked the tribes that lived by the River Danube.

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罗马尼亚和塞尔维亚及保加利亚的边界大部分是多瑙河。A large part of Romania"s borders with Serbia and Bulgaria is formed by the Danube.

后来,某天晚上,我们几个学者坐着小船在多瑙河上吃晚饭。Later in the evening, our group of scholars had dinner on a boat on the Danube river.

克林根贝格进入进入城市,但是小噢能够用的多瑙河河水挡住了去路。Klingenberg was anxious to enter the city, but the swollen River Danube was in his way.