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他站起来在文件上盖个章。He stands up to imprint a paper with a seal.

能逃脱生命印记的只是极少数。Only very little could escape life's imprint.

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印记深深浅浅,平淡的没有感觉。Imprint deep and shallow, flat with no feeling.

你的心迹将这书的空页存管。The vacant leaves thy mind's imprint will bear.

那本词典以朗曼公司的名义出版。That dictionary is published under the Longman imprint.

绣花床单会在你身上印上信息。Embroidered bed sheets will imprint a message on your body.

请于方格内用铅笔印压您信用卡卡面的号码。Please imprint your card face number in this box by pencil.

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你未雨绸缪的情绪。我用情极深的烙印。You save for a rainy day emotions. I used feeling deep imprint.

这些脉冲在玻璃上会印压小的3D像素,像是立体模型。These pulses imprint tiny, 3-D pixel-like "voxels" into the glass.

所以我并不认为自己对,任何一个特别的政策有什么影响。And so I don't claim much imprint to any of the particular policies.

在巅峰状态,泰森的比赛总是留下难以磨灭的印记。During his prime, when he fought, he always left an indelible imprint.

方法采用游动配光方法,对痕迹或客体进行“扫描”或游动配光。Method The imprint or object were scanned by moving-light-configuration.

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介绍了网印广告的种类及其应用特征。Introduced a net to imprint advertising sort and its application feature.

每段幸福前面,总要经历刻骨铭心旳痛。Per Duan Xingfu front, imprint is engraved on my heart. To experience pain.

“我们想要让我们的年青人对意大利风味有更深刻的印象”。"We want to give an imprint of Italian flavors to our youngsters," he said.

它们“吧嗒”“吧嗒”地溅落在灰尘里,在窗玻璃上印下了独特的标记。They split into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures.

这种创伤给她们留下了精神的印记,那就是尽可能地生育更多的子女。This trauma left a psychological imprint to bear as many children as possible.

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跨上一个擦手纸或任何表面会留下印记你的脚。Step onto a paper towel or any surface that will leave an imprint of your foot.

这种与特定田鼠间的连结基于它们气味——类似于印记。That bond is for that particular vole based on its smell -- sort of like an imprint.

为了获得高分辨率压印图形,为压印光刻机设计了一个精密定位工作台。A high-precision orientation stage was designed for high-resolution imprint machines.