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“生物物理学的运算”第六章。Koch, C. Chap. 6 in Biophysics of Computation.

贝时璋院士,中国生物物理学的奠基者辞世,享年107岁。Bei Shizhang, Founder of China's biophysics dies at 107.

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这是细胞生物化学与生物物理学的网页。This is the web page of Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics.

文章最后还就国内生物物理学的工作做了一些评价和介绍。In the end, some work of Biophysics in our country is introduced and valued.

这是生物物理学与X射线结构研究所的网站。This is the website of the Institute of Biophysics and X-ray Structure Research.

生物物理协会开发和传播生物物理知识。Biophysical Society encourages development and dissemination of knowledge in biophysics.

这是保加利亚科学院生物物理研究所的网站。This is the website of the Institute of Biophysics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

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这是西安大略大学医学生物物理系的网站。This is the website for Department of Medical Biophysics , University of Western Ontario.

1959年他从麻省理工学院生物物理学专业毕业时,他已成为这本杂志的副主编。He became associate editor upon his graduation from MIT in 1959 with a degree in biophysics.

美国加州大学柏克莱分校生物物理学博士候选人。Kaspar Mossman is a Ph. D. candidate in biophysics at the University of California, Berkeley.

1959年他从麻省理工学院生物物理学专业毕业时,他已成为这本杂志的副主编。He became associate publisher upon his graduation from MIT in 1959 with a degree in biophysics.

在生物物理部分,我们将讨论物理学在医学领域中的应用。In the part of biophysics , the application of physics science in the medicine will be discussed.

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现在我们有了一个可以在纳米尺度上进行编程设计的生物材料,用以解决生物物理或纳米化学方面的问题。Now we have a biomaterial that we can program at the nanoscale to address questions in biophysics or nanochemistry.

第十三届生物物理联合研讨会将于南投县仁爱乡国立中兴大学惠荪林场会议中心举行。The 13th Joint Biophysics Conference will be held at the National Chung Hsing University, Hui-Sun Forest Station, Nantou.

本文介绍了生物物理领域中不同物理环境对体外培养的动物细胞增殖方面的研究进展。The advance of cell proliferation about Various Physical conditions in the field of the biophysics is presented in this paper.

身为一个原子学专家的儿子,查尔斯十六岁就从哈佛大学毕业,并进而攻读基因学、物理学和生命科学博士学位。The son of a nuclear scientist, Charles graduated from Harvard at 16 and went on to get Ph.D.s in Genetics, Psychology and Biophysics.

对单个分子马达的动力学研究和多个分子马达协作现象的研究,是目前生物物理上的一个热点。The dynamic behavior of single motor and the cooperative behaviors of large number motors become an interesting topic in biophysics now.

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他喜欢研究周期,并带出他广博的生理学、生物物理学和天体物理学的知识来研究太阳周期。He liked to study cycles and brought his extensive knowledge of physiology, biophysics and astrophysics to the study of the sun's cycles.

金妮•怀特洛博士曾是美国国家航空航天局空间站项目前副总经理,她拥有生物物理学博士学位,并且是合气道五段黑带选手。Formerly deputy manager for integrating NASA's Space Station Program, she has a PhD in biophysics as well as a fifth degree black belt in Aikido.

在此主要综述近年来国内外关于血液细胞在分化发育中的流变学研究,拓展了生物流变学和生物物理学的研究领域。This paper reviews the recent progresses in rheological study on the differentiating blood cells, which broaden the research on rheology and biophysics.