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我的头碰到了门柱上。I knocked my head on the doorpost.

这条阳台门柱上的恒温器?The thermostat on the balcony's doorpost?

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一只萤火虫,贴在木头门框上,闪闪发亮。A firefly was shimmering on the wood doorpost.

我的头撞在门柱上,碰破了。I knocked my head on the doorpost and hurt it.

我的头撞在门柱上,碰破了。I knocked my head against the doorpost and hurt it.

我轻轻地靠在门框上,看着她。I leaned quietly against the doorpost and watched her.

祭司以利在耶和华殿的门框旁边,坐在自己的位上。Now Eli the priest was sitting on a chair by the doorpost of the LORD'S temple.

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门打开了一条缝,很快又关上了,但是船长已经将他穿着长筒皮靴的一只脚插到了门与门框之间。The door opened a little and was quickly pushed to again, but the captain had stuck his boot between it and the doorpost.

门打开了一条缝,很快又关上了,但是船长已经将他穿着长筒皮靴的一只脚插到了门与门框之间。The door opened slightly and was at once closed again, but the captain had already put his foot between the door and the doorpost.

镀金门房为合金镀金精铸件、木件、塑饰等组合制造,屋顶、门饰、门柱体现中国传统建筑艺术,造型高雅、气派、尊贵。The gatehouse, made by fine alloy plating casting, wood and plastics, consists of roof, door and doorpost with elegant features, embodies Chinese traditional architectural art.