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电闪是一个之字形。The lightning bolt is a zigzag.

这条小路曲曲弯弯地通往山上。The path ran zigzag up the hill.

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逐渐在梅陇地区形成一个盆地。Gradually form a bas in in Zigzag area.

我们可以使汽车做曲线运动。We may move the car in a zigzag motion.

我就向您介绍这款Z字型的椅子。Let me introduce the Zigzag chair to you.

我们做因而时常走在之字形过程中。Sometimes we had to walk along zigzag course.

我们必须高速度地行驶,而且要曲折前进。We had to proceed at high speed and by zigzag.

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这时九曲桥懒洋洋的,原来要过冬了。Then Zigzag Bridge lazy, originally the winter.

你看到了那边的红色九曲桥了吗?Don't you see that red zigzag bridge over there?

加法器有一个黑暗的曲折条纹他们回来。Adders have a dark zigzag stripe down their back.

看上去就像是一块锯齿形的石头。Its zigzag markings looking like just another stone.

在这曲折的山路上开车要当心。Take care when driving on this zigzag mountain road.

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钩眼锁孔前和锯齿缝在腰。Hook and eye keyhole zigzag seam at the waist before.

自然曲折的青石板小路环绕林间。The paths of bluestone slates zigzag through the woods.

花序轴“之”字形弯曲的有限花序。A determinate cymose inflorescence with a zigzag rachis.

很多岩画里都有波浪形和Z字形。Many of these show wave oscillation and zigzag patterns.

横纹金蛛织出的网纹是Z字型的。The designs of the wasp spiders woven tapestry is zigzag.

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人字缝或直线车缝或刺绣,三种功能轻松转换。Zigzag or normal stitching or embroidery, easily to be operated.

常吉高速公路在湘西绵延的大山里穿行。Changde-Jishou expressway goes zigzag in the mountains of Xiangxi.

菌柄多侧生,稍作「之」字形弯曲,亦为黄褐色。Stipe mostly laterally located curved in zigzag way, yellow-brown.