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然而,有些事实是毋庸置疑的。However, some facts are undisputable.

她说,“对新职位的需求正在减少,这已是不争的事实。The decline of new jobs is an undisputable fact.

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商家的促销行为本身无可厚非。Business's promotion behavior itself undisputable.

这个对大家来说是很明显的,毫无疑问的。This one is evident to all and pretty undisputable.

这已是一个不争的事实,也是一种可喜的现象。This is an undisputable fact, it is also an encouraging sign.

新浪在中国互联网行业拥有不可置疑优势。Sina has undisputable advantages in China 's Internet industry.

大学生们对网络的忠爱己是不争之事实。Students of the network is the faithful love has undisputable fact.

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当前,大学生就业难已成为不争的事实。Nowadays, college students' low employment becomes an undisputable reality.

从博弈的角度看,申花此举当然无可厚非。Looked from the gambling angle that Shenhua this act is certainly undisputable.

我国企业普遍缺乏国际竞争力是一个不争的事实。It is an undisputable fact that Chinese enterprises lack of international competence commonly.

行政主体行使公共权力的行为应该受到法律的约束这已是不争的事实。It is an undisputable fact that the execution of public rights should be within the law limits.

首先,天生都是潜在的虐淫狂,这一点是不争的事实,你否认也没用。Naturally is an all latent Nue Yin first crazy, this be the undisputable fact, you denial also useless.

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对于中国所谓的对西菲律宾海的无可置疑的管辖权,她很多的邻国都持有不同意见。China's undisputable jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea is being disputed by most of her neighbors.

首先,以国内立法的形式确定对钓鱼岛屿拥有不可置疑的主权。First, in the form of domestic legislation to determine for fishing island has undisputable sovereignty.

员工的恶意“跳槽”行为成了企业商业秘密流失的主渠道,这已是不争的事实。It is an undisputable fact that employee's malice job-hopping has become the main outlet of business secret's loss.

进化树上仍给人们的判断留有余地,但是仅仅是给那些经历考验最终证明其正确性的判断。There is still room for human judgement, but it is judgement about what will eventually turn out to be the undisputable truth.

教师的缄默性个人教育观念的存在是一个不争的事实,也是教师教育实践的基础。It is an undisputable fact that teachers have tacit ideas about education, which serves as the basis of educational implementation.

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不过,有一个事实无可争议,那就是,一直以来马提尼都与一些重要事件或人物联系在一起,其中就包括与小约翰•D·洛克菲勒的渊源。The one undisputable fact is that Martini has long been associated with important events and people, not the least of whom being John D.

我国出生性别比严重失调已经是一个不争的事实,湖南省的出生性别比更是严重偏高。It's an undisputable truth that the birth sex rate has been seriously imbalance in our country and that of Hunan province is gravely high.

通过周边历史材料可以看出,该谱是元明以来北曲音乐的遗存是不争事实。Judged from the relevant historical data, it is an undisputable fact that this music is the remain of the northern music of Yan and Ming Dynastys.