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这一观点岂止是可以理解的。That view is understandable.

当然,挖苦是能理解。The digs are understandable.

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在政治上这能站的住脚吗?was it politically understandable?

赶潮流是可以理解的。Following the fashion is understandable.

虽然这种反抗情有可原。The resistance is completely understandable.

男人的自我保护意识也是可以理解的。Protecting the man’s ego is understandable too.

现实主义者将会绝望,这是可以理解的。It is understandable that a realist would despair.

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你们非常沮丧,这是可以理解的。Hmm . . . you're very upset. That's understandable.

所以他过分宠爱他是可以理解的。So it's understandable that he pampers him so much.

但是,在记录器中,这是可以理解的行为。But it is understandable behavior from the recorder.

可以,可大多数灾难在政治上也能站得住脚。It was, most disasters are political understandable.

不过,外国厂商缺乏热情是可以理解的。But the lack of foreign enthusiasm is understandable.

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中国有5到7年的优势,这个可以理解。China has a 5-7 year edge but this is understandable.

真象爱因斯坦所认为的那样“易解”?So Einstein thought this book "easily understandable" ?

从我的家庭背景来看,这也有道理。This was understandable in view of my family background.

这似乎骇人听闻,但从某种意义上说也完全可以理解。It's a shocking incident but in some ways understandable.

希望找个别的某个人来负责任是可以理解的。It's understandable to look to find someone else to blame.

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这份报纸内容覆盖广,且较浅,易懂。The newspaper content covers, and shallow, understandable.

政府希望准确的报道当然情有可原。Government desire for accurate reporting is understandable.

也许说的太片面,但是我是这样理解的。Perhaps that's too one-sided, but I this is understandable.