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童话里的隐喻思维和泛灵主义思维导致了童话里的范畴边界模糊化。Metaphoric thinking and animistic thinking enable the fuzzy boundaries of categories in fairy tales.

爱沙尼亚神话是以远古的万物有灵论为基础的,和芬兰神话有很大关联。Estonian mythology is based on primitive animistic beliefs and is closely related to Finnish mythology.

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万物有灵论这一宗教本质依靠强大的统治力没有被废除。And the animistic interpretations of the religions of nature are in principle not annulled by monopolisation.

信奉万物有灵的佛教使得这座公园充满着民间风俗和传奇中的角色。The beliefs of animistic Buddhism inform the figures from folklore and legend positioned all around the park.

他们信奉万物皆有灵性,认为所有的东西,包括没有生命的物体均有生命和灵魂。They have an animistic spirituality that regards all things, including inanimate objects, imbued with life and spirit.

这种万物有灵论信仰的另一面是崇拜祖先,每一个家庭都用自己的仪式来荣耀死去的亲人。Another aspect of this animistic belief was ancestor worship , with each family honouring their own dead by their own rites.

这种思维模式受弗洛伊德所称的“思想万能论”的主导,是内心世界在外部世界的一种投射。The animistic mode of thinking is governed by what Freud called the omnipotence of thoughts, a projection of inner mental life onto the external world.

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这些想法找到万物有灵观念的起源,物质对象具有的精神在他们居住,一个想法都在村子里的老地方我生长在中国成立。These ideas find their origin in the animistic notion that material objects have spirits residing in them, an idea ever-present in the old village where I grew up in China.

开普勒似乎是理解现代科学意义上的术语的第一人,尽管如前文所言,他保留了万物有灵论的观点。Kepler seems to have been the first scientist to understand the term in the sense of modern science, though as we've said, he retained an animistic view of physical objects.

卡通的人物形象有着夸张的变形,举止、言谈表现出儿童特征,其思维是“泛灵”式的,情节的演进也遵循着儿童的逻辑。Cartoon characters with exaggerated deformation, behavior, speech to show children, and their thinking is "animistic" type, the plot also follows the evolution of children's logic.