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上海滩多民族演员与能源嬉闹。The multiethnic cast frolics on the beach with energy.

你喜欢住在一个迅速膨胀的世界中吗?。Do you like living in an increasingly multiethnic world?

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中国是一个历史悠久、文化灿烂的多民族国家。China is a multiethnic country with a long history and a splendid culture.

马其顿自2001年以来在建设多民族民主国家方面迈出了重大的步伐。Macedonia has made significant strides since 2001 in building a multiethnic democracy.

令人感到矛盾的是,正是克林顿本人敦促科索沃人建立起一个多民族的国家。Paradoxically, it was Clinton himself who urged Kosovars to build a multiethnic country.

但是仇外的意识从未真正在任何多族裔政体中被清除。But the virtue of xenophobia is never really extinguished in any multiethnic body politic.

只有多样民族文化的和平共存与善意的竞争,才能创造美好的未来。Only by multiethnic coexistence and good-willed competition could a brilliant future be created.

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如今,我们有了民选的,多族群的,运转一般的代议制政府。We have a government that is representative, democratically elected, multiethnic and functioning.

将建立一支多民族的科索沃安全部队,拥有2500名现役成员,800名后备成员。A multiethnic Kosovo security force would be established with 2,500 active members and 800 reserve members.

新疆是一个多民族聚居地区,其中维族几乎占了整个人口的一半。Xinjiang is a multiethnic region, of which the population of Uyghur is approximately one half of the whole.

由于阿尔丁夫•翼人重要的诗歌成就,特授予中国当代杰出民族诗人诗歌奖。For Xiaoxue's notable achievement in poetry, award him the Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Multiethnic Poet Poetry Award.

由于晓雪不可忽视的诗歌成就,特授予中国当代杰出民族诗人诗歌奖。For Erdingfu. yiren's important achievement in poetry, award him the Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Multiethnic Poet Poetry Award.

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如果今天的儿童是有任何的机会,和谐的生活在这个多种族的世界,这是至关重要的是,家长培育它。If today's children are to have any chance of living harmoniously in this multiethnic world, it is critical that parents nurture it.

美国多种族、多民族的社会特点决定了双语教育的存在与发展。The multiracial and multiethnic characteristics of American society determine the existence and development of the bilingual education.

人民调解委员会应当有妇女成员,多民族居住的地区应当有人数较少民族的成员。A people's mediation commission shall have female members and, as in an area of multiethnic population, have members from ethnic minorities.

公元前24世纪,阿卡德王国的萨尔贡是美索不达米亚人的国王,创建了人类历史上第一个由多民族组成的中央集权统治帝国。Sargon of Akkad was a 24th-century BCE Mesopotamian king who established one of the first multiethnic and centrally ruled empires in history.

正如以色列流亡后,亚伯拉罕诸神发现自己身处非零和博弈的多种族社会背景下,道德品质方面有了提升。As in Israel after the exile, the Abrahamic God, having found himself in a multiethnic milieu rife with non-zero-sumness, underwent moral growth.

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里森及其妻子丽莎似乎与新加坡富裕的新殖民生活方式一直格格不入,也似乎一直未能融入新加坡的多种族社会。Leeson and his wife lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city's multiethnic society.

中国一旦需要在大型场合展现自己多民族的和谐姿态,55个少数民族就会像珍奇的玩意一般被拜出来,和汉族人民共同庆祝盛会。China's 55 minority groups are officially celebrated, often as curios in pageants to the country's self-image as a harmonious, multiethnic society.

里森及其妻子丽莎似乎与新加坡富裕的新殖民生活方式一直格格不入,也似乎一直未能融入新加坡的多种族社会。Leeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city’s multiethnic society.