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你必须克服你的恐惧心理。You must vanquish your fears.

他努力克服恐惧心理。He tried to vanquish his fears.

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在国际象棋、网球等比赛中击败对手。Vanquish one's rival at CheSS, tennis, etc.

在网上战胜敌人的法宝?The best way to vanquish your enemies on the internet?

我会战胜你的恐惧,将你的肉体化成尘烟。I will vanquish your fear, and commute your flesh to dust.

打败唐龙第二,这是多么崇高的荣誉。Vanquish Tang Long the second, this is the how high credit.

于是我们将一起哭泣彼此关心,消除我们的痛苦。So we will weep together to care each other to vanquish our pain.

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在网上战胜敌人的法宝?忽视他们。The best way to vanquish your enemies on the internet? Ignore them.

你以为一个快速的刷牙就能击败这些细菌?You think a quick brush over the teeth is going to vanquish them all?

而教会也尽最大的努力击败对正统教义的挑战者。And the church has done its best to vanquish challengers to orthodoxy.

起初她因害怕而颤抖,但最后终于能克服它。At first she shivered from her fear but at last she could vanquish it.

如果我们把信用做为衰退后面的魔鬼而消灭,这样的胜利代价则过于惨重了。If we vanquish credit as the villain behind our downturn, the victory may be Pyrrhic.

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虽然他的世界我不能拥有,但我会让自己不再为烦恼所打败!Although his world I can't own, I will let oneself no longer vanquish for the vexing !

现在要战胜这样一个强敌,非有长期的广大的努力是不可能的。It is impossible to vanquish so strong an enemy without making an extensive and long-term effort.

为了完成最细微的动作,不为罪恶所玷污,人必须征服自己,必须对自己实施暴力。Man must vanquish himself must do himself violence in order to perform the slightest action untainted by evil.

在他那个时代,你最好是躲着点神,需要的时候再安抚他们一下,然后就祈祷你的神能灭掉其他的神。You kept out of the gods' way, appeased them when needed, and prayed that your god would vanquish the other gods.

核心竞争力是房地产企业在市场竞争中克敌制胜的法宝。The core competence is a magic weapon to vanquish the enemy in the market competition for real estate enterprises.

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由于我们有瞋恚这个敌人,所以带给了我们上述所说的种种过患和痛苦。The victorious warriors are those who, having disregarded all suffering, vanquish the foes of hatred and so forth.

绝地武士虽然不寻求统治银河系,但为了努力击败西斯尊主而服务于共和国。Though the Jedi Knights did not seek to rule, they served the Republic in their efforts to vanquish the Sith Lords.

抬头看向富大,面上克制很好,但凤眸里满满的都是笑意。The caption sees to wealthy big, vanquish on the noodles very nice, but Feng Mou inside very full entire laugh an mind.