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阿马杜说,即使在利比亚骚乱发生之前,边界地区的情势已经是尼日尔政府的一大难题。Amadou says even before the fighting in Libya, the border situation was difficult for Niger.

上个月马里政变中被流放的领导人阿马杜·图马尼·杜尔已流亡至邻国塞内加尔。Amadou Toumani Toure, ousted as Mali's leader in last month's coup, has fled to neighbouring Senegal.

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在尼日尔的莫罗说,这是一次反对在美国和其它国家的极端主义。In Niger, Amadou Morou said it was a speech against extremism both in the United States and in other countries.

纯棉的布可当绷带使用。烧焦后,可成为取代火绒或苔藓的小型易燃物质。Cotton cloth serving as a banda ge. once charred it become a small combustible that can replace amadou or lichen.

我更愿意死在这里”我不能空着手回去,如果我回去,他们就会问,你一直在干什么?I cannot go home empty-handed. If I went home, they would be saying, ‘What have you been doing with yourself, Amadou?’

2009年2月12日,国家主席胡锦涛在巴马科同马里总统杜尔举行会谈。On February 12, 2009, Chinese President Hu Jintao held talks with his Malian counterpart Amadou Toumany Toure in Bamako.

阿马杜说,再加上毒品贩运,盗匪和绑架等现象,使这个地区的安全问题更为复杂。这些都是尼日尔政府无力控制的。Amadou says security is further complicated by drug trafficking, banditry, and kidnapping in an area that the government of Niger cannot control.

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“在其原始形式的面具代表了所有我们的哲学,社会和文化思想,”阿马杜Fantasa玛莎,老人解释村。"The masks in their original forms represent all our philosophical, social and cultural thinking, " Amadou Fantasa Masa, village elder explained.

冈比亚规划部的规划负责人说NAPAs从未根据国家和地方社区的观点制定。Amadou Cham, director of planning in the Ministry of Planning in Gambia, said NAPAs were never formulated from national and local communities' perspectives.

2007年12月1日,办公楼落成仪式在总统府所在地“总统山”上隆重举行,杜尔总统亲自为新办公楼启用剪彩。President Amadou Toumani Toure cut the ribbon for the building. At the completion ceremony of the building on December 1st, 2007 in the Presidential Palace.

阿马杜部长说,为了增强北部边境巡逻而增加的经费,拖累了尼日尔新文人政府原订的开发计划。Justice Minister Amadou says the expense of increased patrols along the northern border is holding back the development agenda of Niger's new civilian government.