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新晃黄牛肉一定要带点回来。Don't forget to take Xinhuang dry scalper beef home.

一个票贩子卖给我们的票正好靠近球场的边缘。A scalper sold us tickets for seats right at near the courtside.

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我们可以试着在体育场外买黄牛票。We can try to buy some tickets outside the stadium from a scalper.

可能我今年还是要买黄牛党的票。Maybe I have to buy a ticket from the ticket scalper again this new year.

我们今天说的就是黄牛党这个词,scalper。That is the word today, scalper, and wedding banquet scalper, and ticket scalper.

在体育场外从票贩子手里买了华仔演唱会的票。We are able to get ticket to the "AndyLau" concert from a scalper outside the stadium.

我们在体育场外从票贩子手里买了华仔演唱会的票。We are able to get ticket to the “AndyLau” concert from a scalper outside the stadium.

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盈利的目标很可能很小是一个刷单员有别于其他交易员区别。What sets a scalper apart from other traders is that the profit target is likely to be small.

与老板,门票发售,将会在两个星期我有点担心黄牛是会得到他们之前,我做的。With Boss tickets going on sale in two weeks I'm worried scalper are going to get to them before I do.

就像如果你想从富人手中买东西,就不能打扮的像个农民,不然他们会认为你是个投机分子。If you want to buy things for rich people, you can't look like a farmer or they'll think you're a scalper.

我在春天和夏天,割了青草,或劈了高粱叶,背到二大爷家里,喂他的老黄牛。I often mowed grass or cut durra leaf in spring and summer and carried them on the back to the Erdaye's to feed his old scalper.

另外还大量生产黄牛鼓皮、水牛鼓皮、羊皮及聚酯鼓皮等各种鼓类配件。In addition we are able to product scalper drum skin, buffalo drum skin, sheepskin, and polyester drum skin and all kinds of drum fittings.

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从美国引进高产奶牛性控雌性胚胎,在农村条件下,选择自然发情的黄牛作受体,移植合格受体牛648头。Female-controlled embryos from high yield cows in America were transplanted to 648 scalper recipients of natural estrus under countryside condition.

麦卡锡精巧地展示了这孩子舒缓漫长的成长过程,从一个常见的莽撞的印第安人头皮猎取者,成长为最后在酒吧争论中法官的无畏的对抗者。McCarthy subtly shows us the long, slow development of the Kid from another mindless scalper of Indians to the courageous confronter of the Judge in their final debate in a saloon.