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接着就是替换部分。Next is the replacement chunk.

你能把一个南瓜扔多远呢?How far can you chunk a pumpkin?

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但州内大部分地区却是沼泽地。But a good chunk of it is swampland.

我们可以推断这段代码所做的事情么?Can you deduce what this chunk does?

是的,一个指向这块内存的指针。Yeah, a pointer to this chunk of memory.

从整体上复审和商定最终的项目。Chunk up to review and agree the project.

你增加了这一块内存。You're incrementing this chunk of memory.

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还把他雪白的衬衫溅湿了一大块。He also splashed white shirt wet one chunk.

摔倒后皮肤就会擦伤一大块。The skin after trip is met abrade one chunk.

绅士酒吧的玻璃酒杯堆放在吧台和桌子上。Esquire tumblers chunk on bartops and tables.

土块,泥块一块或一团,尤指土或泥块。A lump or chunk , especially of earth or clay.

修正Bwf格式中编码历史字段的错误。The coding history in the BWF chunk was wrong.

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区块部分。这一部分可以有不同的大小。Chunk area. This section may be different sizes.

显然中国也想要来一次那样的行动。China obviously wants a good chunk of that action.

修理汽车的费用占掉她工资相当大的一笔钱。The car repairs took quite a chunk out of her salary.

该组件在一个动作中使用一个文本块。This component consumes a chunk of text in an action.

切斯特猎豹嚼着一大块切达干酪。Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese.

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自产粮食可以省去你日常一大部分的开支。Produce can take a big chunk out of your grocery budget.

离他们头上仅几寸高,悬着一大块水泥板。A large chunk of concrete loomed inches above their heads.

我飞快地吞下了一块太巨大的鸡肉。In my enthusiasm I swallowed too large a chunk of chicken.