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平波上跳动的晶莹。The leaping of level wave!

虎跳峡之二。The second Tiger Leaping Gorge.

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法拉利车的标志是一匹跃起的马。Ferrari logo is a leaping horse.

我是幽黑的海洋,粼光跳跃,绵延宽广I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide

她瘸了,只能跳跃。She is lamed, leaping over a stile.

许多鲑鱼正跃向瀑布。Many salmons are leaping up the falls.

草叶在风中跳动。And the grass blades are leaping in the wind.

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跳船应该是你最后的手段。Leaping into the water should be your last resort.

满海全是金眼睛,全在跳跃。The whole sea is full of golden eyes, all leaping.

何时才见虎跃龙腾、生龙活虎?When Can We See Leaping Tigers and Flying Dragons?

这只猛禽又在盘旋了,这次桑提亚哥瞧见金枪鱼在太阳光下跃起。This time Santiago saw tuna leaping in the sunlight.

他几乎没注意到海豚在他的头旁边跳跃。He barely noticed the dolphins leaping over his head.

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伴随着跳跃的火焰,织成了火力网然后with a BARRAGE of leaping fire which FLASHES down and

"要吃掉你什么都好多了,"他靠在她后面说。"All the better to eat you,"he said leaping after her.

这些军犬是否喜欢从飞机或直升机上一跃而下?But do dogs like leaping out of planes and helicopters?

这跟虎跳峡的情况是很不一样的。It is very different than the Tiger Leaping Gorge case.

我的朋友们一听到自己的手机铃响就会惊跳起来。My friends are leaping whenever their cell phones ring.

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NBA篮球运动员们的弹跳力都好得惊人。NBA basketball players have an amazing leaping ability.

那个从圆塔上跳下来的人,就迹象很明显了。That man leaping from the Round Tower was clear enough.

跳跃而行的狐猴在一片石尖上休息。The leaping lemur comes to rest on a splinter of stone.