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你船必须在2号码头系泊。You must moor at No. 2 jetty.

细浪拍打着防波堤。The small waves slapped against the jetty.

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早餐后乘客船回返红土坎码头。After breakfast back to Lumut Jetty by ferry.

轮船启航时见你在码头上。Standing on the jetty as the steamer moves away.

铁路从碾磨厂一直延伸到突堤的终端。Railway stretches from the mills to the jetty terminal.

码头引桥受船舶撞击的事故屡有发生。It often happens that the jetty of a wharf is struck by a ship.

一座长达两千码的凸式码头一直延伸到船的停泊处。A jetty pier, some two thousand yards along, extended into the roadstead.

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吉拉驾车带我们沿河行驶了数英里,直到我们看见一幢小屋和一个用木头建成的码头。Kyla drives us down river a few miles until we see a hut and a wooden jetty.

特性包含了对obr、jetty以及spring的支持,做到了开箱即用。Out of the box, features include support for obr as well as jetty and spring.

从海路前来的游客将搭乘渡轮在兰卡威主要的市镇-瓜镇上岸。Visitors arriving by sea will disembark at the jetty in the main town of Kuah.

丽花一见开朗登上游艇,已急不及待将游艇驶离码头。She spend a see open aboard the yacht, has been eager for the yacht from the jetty.

这一个在一块平地上,在一个能俯瞰高谭港的小突堤上。This one's sitting out in plain sight, on a little jetty overlooking Gotham harbor.

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滩海路是为了开发丰富的滩海石油资源而修筑的联系陆地与人工岛的纽带。Jetty road is the link of onshore to man-made island in marine petroleum exploitation.

更大规模码头的建设工程已经开始了,其中包括一个1.1英里的码头。Construction has begun on a still larger installation, including a 1.1 mile long jetty.

我把船系在码头,但有人把缆索松脱了,船正在顺河漂下。I tied up the boat at the jetty but somebody cut it loose and it's drifting down the river.

以上的路线图是从吉胆岛码头至本公司资讯处的路。The map at the left shows the route from Pulau Ketam jetty to our operation and service office.

到这里,已经有辆巴士在机场接我们前往先本那码头。When reach airport, the bus already there waiting for us. The bus transfer us to Jetty Semporna.

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东锣岛豪华游艇码头距离三亚凤凰国际机场约有20分钟车程。Sanya Phoenix International Airport is about 20 minutes drive away from our jetty along Sanya Bay.

当你系好了船跳上堤岸时,你可能会认为堤岸是静止的。When the boat ties up and you step on the jetty , you would probably agree that the jetty is stationary.

我们被扶上码头,然后被带到一个非常豪华的接待区,提供了一瓶冷饮料。We were assisted onto the jetty and taken into a very plush reception area and offered a long cool drink.