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根据需要,对文集条目进行编辑和分类。Edit and categorize corpus items, as required

然后在下一个屏幕中,需要对资产进行分类。You then need to categorize the asset in the next screen.

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这反映了我们在现实世界中分类事物的方法。This mirrors the way we categorize things in the real world.

重音是很难定义和分辨的。Accent is something somewhat difficult to define and categorize.

但有趣的是,我们还会给人划分类别。What's interesting though is we also categorize types of people.

但现在有一件是我很清楚,我会写一首r&b歌曲,我不做归类。I don't think, today, I'll write an R&B song. I don't categorize.

将信息分类为批处理、实时或半实时类别。Categorize the information as batch, real time, or semi-real time.

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对于发生在你身上的事情来说,别把这些事儿归集到坏事儿要好得多。Far better is to not categorize as bad, things that happen to you.

伫列分类可以让应用程式将其伫列分类。The queue category allows an application to categorize its queues.

隐藏视图中的第一列,按升序进行排序,并对其进行分类。Hide the first column in the view, sort it ascending, and categorize it.

这样的事情,您可能从未想过按自己的意愿分类”。Things like that, which you would never think to categorize on your own.

使用书签本,你可以将书签加入你的列表并将其加以分类。Using bookmarklets, you can add bookmarks to your list and categorize them

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每一种分子都有其特定的分子量,因而可以根据分子量的不同将分子分类。Each type of molecule has a unique M. W. thus we can categorize them by M. W.

你将如何分类你的休闲餐厅,快散或细用餐?How would you categorize your restaurant casual, quick-casual or fine-dining?

但是,除了风电场技师等特征较为明显的岗位之外,其他绿色岗位的归类还是颇为棘手的。But beyond obvious jobs such as wind-farm tech, they are tricky to categorize.

玉有成百上千种,很难用一种统一的方法对其进行分类。The stratification of jade varies and hard to categorize with only one measure.

我们甚至已经设法将重构分类成一系列便利的模式!Heck, we've even managed to categorize refactoring into a handy set of patterns!

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如果要把关注我们的人分类,我会把他们分为三个基本阵营。If I had to categorize the onlookers, I would divide them into three basic camps.

文章接著对公司进行分类的基础上经营风险和价格风险。The article then goes on to categorize firms based upon operating risk and price risk.

它可以帮助您处理信息,对其进行分类,对其进行地理定位并将其发布到地图上。It helps you to process that information, categorize it, geo-locate it and publish it on a map.