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我愉快地启动它。I am start it amusedly.

玩也得找个好玩的玩。Play to also must search play amusedly.

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像那样幼稚的想法可以一笑置之。A childish idea like that can be amusedly tolerated.

“就牛仔而言,我舞跳得很好,”他乐呵呵告诉她。“"I dance rather well for a cowboy, " he told her amusedly.

虽然非常寒冷,但是请不要退缩,开心的笑一下,加油。Although it is very cold, don't cower back. Smile amusedly and cheer.

人们会开心地看着我们,带上小孩来和我们交谈。As such people look at us amusedly and bring their children to speak to us.

愉快回国的D君,从机场打出租车回家,目的地是军博。Mr. D returned amusedly to the China and go home by a taxi from the airport.

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你不要担心你的女儿,我敢说她这会儿可能正在她朋友家愉快地玩呢。Your daughter, I dare say, may be playing amusedly in her friend's at the moment.

生活在冰天雪地里,整天愉快地迈着优雅从容的绅士步。Life in the snow and icebound, whole day amusedly exceed grace calmly of gentleman step.

生活在冰天雪地里,整天愉快地迈着优雅从容的绅士步。Life in the snow and icebound , whole day amusedly exceed grace calmly of gentleman step.

这与王微对好玩与不确定性的追求有很大关系。This and Wang Wei are right have very big concern with the pursuit of uncertainty amusedly.

这就和人生一样,对有的人来说,好玩已经是唯一存在的理由了。This is mixed life is same, to some people, the reason that has been only presence amusedly.

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我脸上微笑着,心里歌唱着,愉快地向您呈上我的辞职信。I face top smile, the in the mind sing, amusedly present top toward you my resignation letter.

至于好玩和有用,其实更多就是前端和后端收费的区别。As to mix amusedly useful, actually more is the distinction that front and back end collect fees.

“这有点缺德呀,”劳拉乐着告诉他,在??细雨里,他们相互簇拥着,路上留下深深的车辙。"This is wicked, " Nora told him amusedly as they jostled down the rutted road in a misting rain.

照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善、美和真。Illuminate my road, and give me the new courage face amusedly the living ideal constantly, is well, beautiful and true.

你要记住,永远要愉快地多给别人,少从别人那里拿取。You have to remember, wanting forever to give amusedly and much other people, little take to take there from the other people.

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到处都是欢乐,国王和王后又举行了一次结婚礼,他们愉快地生活,一直到死为止。Everywhere and all is happiness, the king behind again held knot wedding, they a timed with king amusedly living, always arrive die.

还有一次,提到去镇上读书的事情,何国香开心地说城里有很多伙伴玩。On another occasion, when talking about going to township to study, He Guoxiang said amusedly there were many playmates in the city.

你看这对母女,三岁的EMMA在西方观变迁以及我对照,她母亲开心地欣赏着。她们可是异国朋侪,来自澳大利亚。Looking at this baby, Emma, and her mother, EMMA is only 3years old, she takes photo for me, her mother amusedly enjoy her action. They come from Australia.