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可公度性是周期性的扩张。Commensurability is an extension of periodicity.

其基本特征是半月周期性。The basic feature is the half-month periodicity.

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为什么我们上历史课的时候会有一个一个时期Why do we have this periodicity when you take history courses?

日本大地震的平均周期不足十年。The periodicity of major earthquakes in Japan is less than 10 years.

将竹节纱分为周期性竹节纱和随机竹节纱。Slubby yarn is divided into periodicity slubby yarn and random slubby yarn.

FFF回归能较好地确定日内周期因子。Furthermore, FFF regression works well in determining the intra-day periodicity.

那些数字没有是随机的混杂正在一陆爆而是法则的周期性的成果。The numbers are not intermixed accidentally but are subject to regular periodicity.

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中新世中期的岩层,最显著的特徵之一,就是这些岩石所呈现的周期性。One of the most noticeable features of the Middle Miocene rock layers was their periodicity.

这些数字并非混杂、混沌和随机的,而是受制于有规律的周期。The numbers are not intermixed chaotically and accidentally but are subject to regular periodicity.

研究轮胎花纹的周期性和节距排列辨识方法。The identification for the periodicity and pitch order of low noise tread patterns was investigated.

节瓜坐果呈周期性,植株生长和果实发育均呈“S”型曲线变化。There was periodicity in fruiting of Chieh-qua, plant growth and fruit development were in" S" trend.

淀粉储量的消长与形成层活动周期有很强的相关关系。Increasing and decreasing of stored starch are closely related to the periodicity of cambial activity.

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DES应用于序列密码体制,其周期性问题没有一般的结论。There are not any general conclusions about periodicity of DES when itis used in stream cipher system.

规律的不整脉随固定周期出现,而且常伴有心脏部分传导阻滞。Regular irregularities occur with constant periodicity and are usually associated with partial heart block.

三性是指周期性、倍周期性和每个周期的黄金分割性。The triplet-characters means periodicity, multiple periodicity and golden section character of every period.

与非周期性的声音相比,具有周期性的声音听起来要悦耳得多。However, sounds that display a recognizable periodicity tend to be more musical than those that are nonperiodic.

本文主要致力于黑X射线双星光变曲线以及周期性特征的研究。This paper is contributed to the study of the light curve and periodicity of the black hole X-ray binary Cyg X-1.

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考虑到人体步态的周期性,步态实验的数据可以表示成富里哀级数的形式。With a view to the periodicity of human gait, experimental data maybe expressed in the form of the fourier series.

这些研究通常是在周期性的探测和决定性的信号环境里进行的。However, the investigations are usually carried out in the context of periodicity detection and deterministic signal.

淀粉贮量的消长与形成层的活动周期有很强的相关关系。Increasing and decreasing of stored starch were closely related to the periodicity of cambial activity during the year.