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见鬼的加拿大是北美防空司令部和北约的一部分!What a bunch of B. S. Canada is part of NORAD and NATO!

打往北美防空司令部科罗拉多州总部的电话没有收到立即回应。Calls to NORAD headquarters in Colorado were not immediately returned.

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他命令北美防空司令部﹐不要泄露外来飞行器的消息。He orders NORAD not to divulge information about foreign space vehicles.

如果我入侵了北美防空联合司令部或是监听FBI,我绝对会因此而遭到控诉。If I hacked into NORAD or wiretapped the FBI, I certainly would have been charged with it.

特鲁多总理以此来保持加拿大在北美空防司令部的影响力。He did so if only to retain Canadian influence within the North American Aerospace Defence Command, or NORAD.

“需要注意的是,圣诞老人的路线会被天气所影响,所以提前预测实在是不太可能的,”一位北美防空司令部发言人说道。"Keep in mind, Santa's route can be affected by weather, so it's really unpredictable," a Norad spokesman said.

届时,空指部与北美防空司令部都会接到对美军核子攻击正在进行的讯息。In this case, Sac and Norad would have received the message that a nuclear attack on American forces was in progress.

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NORAD负责为国防部和加拿大军队提供资金和设备,完成北美的空防和海上预警。NORAD brings together Defense Department and Canadian military assets to carry out air defense and maritime warning for North America.

北美防空司令部没办法和空军基地连络,而美方的炸弹警报将显示基地已毁。Norad wouldn't have been able to talk to the air base, and the bomb alarms in the US would have shown that the base had been destroyed.

北美防空司令部和保障圣诞老人出发的精灵小组深度合作,以此确定他的出发时间,但是从那一刻开始,圣诞老人说了算,我们只能追踪他。Norad co-ordinates with Santa's elf launch staff to confirm his launch time, but from that point on, Santa calls the shots. We just track him.

威尔不仅早就了解电脑系统有多么容易受到攻击,而且还参与设计了现实生活中NORAD的电脑软件。Not only had he long known about the vulnerability of computer networks, but he'd also helped design the software for the real NORAD computer. And Mr.

此网站每5分钟更新一次,这个所谓的“北美防空联合司令部追踪圣诞老人”项目有德语,西班牙语,法语,意大利语,日语和英语的链接。Updates to the site are made every five minutes and the so-called "NORAD Tracks Santa" program has German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese and English links.

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上周,查尔斯-杰克贝中将被任命为北美联合防空司令部以及美国北方司令部的司令,国会获悉将军乐于同俄罗斯交流。Just last week, Army Lt. Gen. Charles Jacoby, nominee to be the next NORAD and US Northern Command boss, told lawmakers that he favors such exchange with the Russia.

例如杜克将军的诺拉德二、三号和吉姆·雷德指挥的亥伯龙神号都是经由战列巡洋舰特别改装的。There are several examples of vessels specifically refitted for this purpose, such as General Duke's Norad II and Norad III, as well as the battlecruiser Hyperion commanded by Jim Raynor.