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莎乐美公主想看看他。The Princess Salome desires to see him.

你写的关于莎乐美的故事很精彩。Profit, Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic.

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我记得,我看到过,他忧郁地看着莎乐美。I remember that I saw that he looked languorously at Salome.

不大会儿,约翰的首级就交给了魂飞魄散的莎乐美。A minute later the head of John was handed to the frightened Salome.

然而,莎乐美身上所蕴含的艺术创作的因素远非如此。However, the body of Salome factors inherent in the arts far from it.

他笔下的沙乐美,是美艳、性感、危险、颓废的。The Salomé that he characterized is beautiful, sexy, dangerous and decadent.

我不看谱而能弹奏「莎乐美」的趟特技,赢得伦敦的邀约。Because of my stunt of playing Salome by heart, I received an interesting engagement in London.

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但卡拉扬以他无畏的精神仍上演了如施特劳斯的萨洛米和瓦格纳的歌者这样一些大型作品。Unfazed, Karajan managed to stage such major works as Strauss's Salome and Wagner's Die Meistersinger.

而李在先作品中“莎乐美”式的女性图像,更使画面弥漫着一股奇幻的装饰意味。And the female image " Salome ", makes the paintings of Lee Jaesun filled with a magic decorative breath.

Salomé不仅是他的编舞,是女王和天使,而且更重要的是与他非常亲近的朋友。And Salomé really is the queen, the angel, not just his choreographer, but foremost his very close friend.

我还想到,露‧莎乐美曾说尼采是位反宗教的宗教思想家。I remember, too, that Lou Salome referred to Nietzsche as a religious thinker with an anti-religion perspective.

安息日一过,玛利亚玛达肋纳、雅各伯的母亲玛利亚和撒罗默买了香料,要去傅抹耶稣。When the sabbath was over, Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint the body.

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腓利门和巴西里德是两位与容格接触的精神导师。其他的导师名单还包括萨乐美。Philemon and Basilides are but two of the spirit guides that were in contact with Jung. The list of other guides also included one Salome.

过了安息日,抹大拉镇的马利亚,雅各的母亲马利亚和撒罗米买了香料,预备要来抹耶稣的遗体。When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body.

由于他批评希律.安提帕的婚姻不合法而被捕入狱,后来因希律的继女撒罗米要求得到约翰的首级作为她为宾客跳舞的代价,约翰因而被处死。John was imprisoned for criticizing the illegal marriage of Herod Antipas, and was executed after Herod's stepdaughter, Salome , demanded his head as a reward for dancing for the king's guests.